Starting a PDF review

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Share a PDF for review using the Adobe Document Cloud review service

Available in: Acrobat

Use the Adobe Document Cloud review service to easily share PDF files for review from Acrobat desktop application, the Document Cloud web, or Acrobat Reader mobile app. When reviewers click the URL in the email invitation from their computer, they can easily provide their feedback in a browser without having to sign in or install any additional software.

You can use the service to share PDF files for review in one of the following ways:

For information on tracking the reviewers' activity on the document, see Tracking and managing PDF reviews.

Share a PDF for review by hosting it on Sharepoint, WebDAV server, or a network folder

Available in: Acrobat, Acrobat 2020, and Acrobat 2017 (Classic)

Start an email-based review

Available in: Acrobat, Acrobat 2020, and Acrobat 2017 (Classic)

When you start an email-based review, you send out a tracked copy of the PDF, enabling you to easily merge comments that you receive. (Form fields in a PDF aren’t fillable during the review.) After initiating a shared review, you can also start an email-based review with the same PDF.

Before you start an email-based review, make sure that your email application or webmail account is configured to work with Acrobat.

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