Troubleshoot PDF printing in Acrobat and Acrobat Reader


While printing a PDF, you get the following error message: The document could not be printed, kindly use our help page to troubleshoot

This error may occur due to multiple issues, such as a corrupted file, an outdated software version, outdated or incompatible drivers, font issues, security settings, or other reasons.

Print error dialog

The first step in solving a printing issue is to trace the source of the issue. The troubleshooting techniques below solve some of the most common issues and are grouped into three categories:

Three most common issues


If you’re facing issues in printing single-side or double-side on Mac, see Unable to print double-side or single-side in Acrobat on macOS.

Steps to troubleshoot

Step 1: Check for printer related issues

You must check the printer status, connection, and settings and then try printing another PDF using the following steps:

  1. Make sure the cable that connects your printer to your computer is securely plugged in.

  2. If your printer is plugged into a USB hub, unplug the printer cable from the hub. Then, plug the printer cable directly into a USB port on your computer.

  3. Turn off your printer. Wait 30 seconds, and then turn it on again.

  4. Try to print the PDF again. 

Step 2: verify the printer driver

Make sure you update to the latest printer driver (a program that controls your printer). Printer manufacturers offer updated drivers to improve compatibility with newer software, such as newer versions of Acrobat Reader and Acrobat.

  1. Find your printer model number. 

  2. Go to the manufacturer's website, and browse or search for drivers or printer drivers

    Refer to the following list of Driver download pages for different manufactures:

  3. Find the correct driver for your model number. 

  4. Download and install the printer driver, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  5. Restart your computer. 

Step 3: Print the PDF using a different printer

If you've another printer, try printing the PDF on it. To switch printers on Windows®, see Change the default printer (Windows 10 and 8) or use Windows® help. On macOS, see Change the default printer (macOS) or consult Apple support.

Step 4: Resolve PDF File Issues

Printing problems may arise due to issues with the PDF file. Take one or more of the following measures to identify and fix PDF file issues:

Print the PDF as an image

  1. Open a simple document (such as a letter or form) on Acrobat Reader app and from the upper-right corner, select 
  2. On the Print dialog, select Advanced.
  3. On the Advanced Print Setup dialog, select Print as Image checkbox.  
  4. Select OK.
Use Acrobat Reader to print PDF as an image

Copy or download the PDF again directly to your hard drive

If you encounter printing issues with a PDF, it might be due to file corruption. If you obtained the PDF online or through email, try downloading it again or request a resend. Ensure the file is saved directly to your hard drive, not a portable or network drive. Open the fresh copy from your hard drive and attempt printing once more.

Create a copy of the PDF 

Open the PDF file in Acrobat Reader or Acrobat, select File > Save As, and give the PDF file a new name. Include only letters and numbers in the filename. Don’t include symbols such as %, $, or []. Try printing the new copy of the PDF.

Re-create the PDF file

If you have the original source file that the PDF was created from, re-create the PDF as follows:

  1. Open the file in the original program, such as a word processing or a page layout program.

  2. Select File > Print.

  3. In the Printer dropdown menu, select Adobe PDF > Print

  4. Open the saved PDF and print again.

Check the file for syntax-related issues using Preflight

  1. From the All tools menu, select Use print production.

  2. From the left panel, select Preflight.

  3. In the Find bar of the Preflight window, type syntax. Then select the profile Report PDF syntax issues. Then select Analyze and fix.

    Click Analyze and Fix PDF

Step 4: Resolve software-related Issues

Restart your computer

Restart your computer, then open the file again. It’s surprising how often simply restarting your computer solves a problem. Restarting a computer clears its memory and memory cache.   

Use the latest version of Acrobat Reader or Acrobat

Ensure your Acrobat Reader or Acrobat is updated. Adobe provides free quarterly security patches, often containing fixes for prevalent issues.

  1. Open Acrobat Reader or Acrobat.

  2. Go to   > Help > Check for updates.

    If a new update is available, it installs automatically.

  3. Once installed, restart your computer. 

  4. Print the PDF again.

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