New features summary | March 2024 release of Acrobat

Learn about new features and enhancements in the March 2024 release of Acrobat on the desktop.


Adobe Acrobat Pro with online services is the complete PDF solution for working with your most important documents across desktop, web, and mobile devices. Update your Acrobat desktop and mobile apps, or sign in to Acrobat online to experience the new features and improvements.

Action wizard in new Acrobat

Action wizard allows you to create and manage actions and commands to run across numerous documents with a single click.

When you apply one or more routine commands to your files, you can save time and keystrokes by using an action—a defined series of commands with specific settings and in a specific order that you apply in a single step. You can apply an action to a single document, several documents, or an entire collection of documents. You can even scan and combine several documents into a single PDF before running an action.

To access the feature, select All tools > Use guided actions

Guided actions is highlighted in Adobe Acrobat

In the Use guided actions toolbar, you can use any tool per your requirement.

Guided actions toolbar is shown

Add shortcut or favorite tools in Modern Acrobat


The feature is only for Enterprise users.

You can now add shortcuts or mark your favorite tools in Modern Acrobat. An enterprise admin can add shortcuts or favorite tools, and only those tools will appear in the All-tools panel, and the rest will appear under View More. Enterprise Admins can modify the settings using the Customization Wizard. 

The All tools panel will show default tools in the Default configuration of Customization Wizard. Users should continue to be able to change the order of the tools. 

The admin can disable customization of the shortcut tools for existing users. This should restrict the user from being able to change the order or list of the tools. 

For existing users with favorite tools modified in classic, when the user switches to Modern Acrobat for the first time, the favorites should persist in all tools pane in Modern Acrobat.

Manually sync comments on your shared files in Acrobat desktop

You can now manually sync comments on your shared files in Acrobat desktop. The feature improves cloud syncing and makes sure, your document is up to date. 

To initiate cloud syncing or check the status of your last sync, follow the steps:

Hover over the cloud icon in the upper right above the comments pane to check your last synced status.

Manually sync comments in Adobe Acrobat

Select the cloud icon to begin syncing if the last sync status does not reflect the latest updates. Once the cloud sync completes, you get these statuses respectively:

  • New comments: A message appears showing that there are new comments.
  • No new comments: A message appears showing that there are no recent comments.
  • Server failure: If there is a server failure and the files cannot be synced, you will see a message showing that there was a processing error; try again after some time. 
  • If you are offline: A message appears showing that you’re offline. Please connect to the internet to sync this file. 

No extra spaces in the comment section

Acrobat removes extra spaces at the start and end of the comment. Extra spaces get added sometimes while comments are added to a document. It may be due to copying information with spaces or unintentionally adding space while adding a comment. The extra spaces make comments look long, and readers might find it difficult to read and scroll through the comment section.

A comment with added spaces in Acrobat is shown

Comment box with a comment posted which had spaces before posting


The spaces between two lines, two words or two points will not be removed.

Quickly reply to a comment through the contextual menu

You can now quickly reply to a comment through the contextual menu.

  1. Select the comment you want to reply to, and a contextual menu opens. Select the reply option to add a reply. 

    Replying using contextual menu in Adobe Acrobat.

  2. A dialog box pops up. Enter your comment and select Post.

    Post your reply using contextual menu in Acrobat

The contextual menu also gives you options to change the colour of the highlight/comment or delete the comment entirely.

Contextual menu in Adobe Acrobat is shown

Sticky notes in your PDFs can now open contextual menu. Select any sticky note in your document, the contextual menu pops up.

Unified Avatars across all components in Acrobat

With this release, you get consistent profile Avatars across Acrobat. Your profile avatars will be consistent across all components, such as the sign-in pane, comments pane, and top bar. 

Perform Spelling checks on your document in Adobe Acrobat

With this release, Acrobat brings an automatic spelling check feature for your document. Once you open your document in Acrobat, the spell check feature will automatically scan the document in the background to check for spelling errors.

If any spelling errors are found in the document, you see a dialog box in the lower right informing you about the errors and a button to see the errors.

Acrobat is notifying about spelling errors in the document

Once you select See errors, the Edit panel opens up, and you see all the misspelled words with a red underline. If you select the misspelled words or right-click the misspelled words, you see:

  • Three top dictionary suggestions – Select any suggested word to replace your misspelled word. 
  • Ignore all - Remove highlight on all instances of the misspelled word from the document.
  • Add to the dictionary - Add misspelled words to the dictionary and remove highlight on all instances of the misspelled word from the document.

Set spelling check preferences

You can adjust spelling check preferences as per your need from the Preferences section in Acrobat. You can opt out of the feature if you don't want Acrobat to show your spelling errors.

  1. From the edit panel on the left, select the settings icon.

    Settings icon in Adobe Acrobat

  2. Uncheck the Show spelling errors options from the dialog box that opens. The options make sure you don't see the spelling errors anymore. 

    Spelling check feature is highlighted in Acrobat

Alternatively, you can go to Preferences in Acrobat. In the Preferences dialog box in Acrobat, select Spelling from the left pane, and then uncheck the Show spelling errors options.

Stylize your scanned PDF files in Acrobat using Adobe Express

Adobe Acrobat now supports transforming scanned PDF files into Adobe Express projects to stylize and edit your PDFs and make them look professional.

To convert your scanned PDF files into Adobe Express projects:

Open your scanned PDF file in Acrobat. From the All Tools panel on the left, select Enhance this PDF.

Enhance this PDF

Your PDF gets converted into an Adobe Express project, and you can begin stylizing or personalizing your PDF.

Alternatively, select Edit from the top left and then Enhance this PDF from the Design tools pane on the left.

Enhance this PDF

Your PDF gets converted into Adobe express project and you can begin enhancing your PDF.

You can also open your scanned PDF in Express using the Convert menu. Select Convert from the top-left. Then select Adobe Express from the left pane.

Select Adobe Express

Apply color theme to your PDF

Make your PDF’s theme consistent by applying pre-set colors to your PDF background, text, and shapes in Adobe Express.

Select Edit from the top left, then select Apply color theme from the Design tools on the left.

Apply color theme option is highlighted in Adobe Acrobat

Digital signature in Modern Acrobat

The Adobe Acrobat Sign Digital Signature field is now available in Modern Acrobat.

Digital Signatures are a type of Electronic Signature that uses a certificate-based Digital ID obtained from a cloud-based trust service provider or the signer's local system.

To send a document for digital signature:

  1. Open your document in Acrobat. Select E-sign from the navigation bar in the top-left. Then select Request e-signatures.

    E-Sign panel in Adobe Acrobat is shown

  2. Select Digital signature from the drop menu on the left.

    Digital signature is selected from the drop down menu

  3. Add information as required to share the document for digital signature.

    Enter information and share for digital signatures

  4. Once you’ve added all the necessary information, select Review & send in the lower left.


The default date format for the Date field in Native Request will now dynamically adjust to the signer's time zone.

Content Search Enables Automatic Keyword Navigation

With this release, Acrobat helps you automatically navigate to the searched keyword in a document.

Once you open a file from the search result, which is a part of content search, Acrobat automatically opens the find tool, pre-fills the searched keyword, and navigates to the keyword you searched for initially.

You can use the navigation buttons in the find tool to search for more keyword occurrences in your document.

This enhancement minimally impacts existing functionalities and extends across various sections within Homepage search results, including non-shared, view, and review files.

Sandbox on Mac (Acrobat Reader)

Increased security to user data provided by app-sandbox technology. Sandboxing in Acrobat for macOS ensures that Acrobat operates within a secure sandbox environment that limits access to your computer's resources. This means that tasks like processing PDF content and images, executing JavaScript, rendering fonts and 3D elements occur within this controlled environment. If a PDF file is potentially harmful and attempts to access your computer's resources, the sandbox prevents such access, safeguarding your system from any potential damage. Additionally, the sandbox restricts actions like reading from or writing to the disk and accessing files and network connections, further enhancing security.

Admins can configure the sandboxing settings pre- or post-deployment. Admins can lock the feature so that end users cannot change application behavior or control the features through the user interface.

To turn on app sandboxing:

Go to Acrobat Reader > Preferences > Security (Enhanced) > Sandbox protections. Then, select the feature controls as needed.

Security (Enhanced) directory in Preference window is shown in Acrobat Reader

Outlook plugin in Acrobat Reader

You can use Adobe Acrobat plug-in for Outlook to send large files as public links through Outlook. The attached files are uploaded to Adobe Cloud storage, and public links to the files are inserted in the email body.

Recipients can select the link to preview the file in a browser window and can download the file if needed.

For more info, refer to Adobe Acrobat Reader for Outlook.

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