Edit recording transcript

Editing transcripts in Adobe Connect ensures session recordings are accurate, clear, and accessible. By refining automated captions or updating manually added text, you can improve the quality of recordings for wider distribution

Edit a transcript

Follow the steps to edit transcripts:

  1. Login to Adobe Connect Central.

  2. Select either Meetings or Training tab from the top menu bar and then select the meeting or classroom that includes the recording.

  3. Select Recordings.

  4. Select the recording for which you want to edit the transcript.

  5. Select Edit Recording/Transcript in the Actions dropdown menu next to the recording you want to edit.

  6. Select Play recording.

  7. Select the transcript icon next to the volume button in the lower right corner of the screen.

    Transcript of recording
    Transcript of recording

  8. Double-click on the text you want to edit.

  9. Select resizer to change the text size.

    Resize transcript text
    Resize transcript text

  10. Select   to save the changes.

    Transcript editor
    Transcript editor

  11. Select Undo to revert the last changes.

  12. Select Save edits to apply the changes to the transcript text.

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