View properties of the instance

View properties of the instance

  1. Modules: The number of modules created by the author of the course
  2. Learners Enrolled: The number of learners that were enrolled in the course by the Administrator.
  3. Sessions: The number of Virtual Classroom and Classroom modules in the course.
  4. Feedback Enabled: Displays whether L1, L2, and L3 feedbacks are enabled for this course.
The admin cancels the sessions by going to Instances > Sessions and selecting Cancel Session.

Retire an instance

To retire an instance, perform the steps below;

  1. On the instance, select the drop-down menu and choose the option Retire instance.

    Retire an instance

  2. To search for all retired instances, click the tab Retired on the Instances page.

Restore an instance

To restore a retired instance to an activate state, perform the following steps:

  1. On the instance, click the drop-down menu and choose the option Reopen instance.

    Restore an instance

  2. The instance now gets restored to an active mode.

Delete an instance

Admins can delete the instance using Delete this instance option immediately after the creation. You cannot delete instances if there is a session linked to it or if any learners are enrolled to it.

Delete an instance

You cannot delete the default instance.

Send instance-level emails

To send instance-level emails to enrolled learners:

  1. On the Instances page, select the options on any instance, and then click Email Enrolled Learners.

instance level emails

Email learners enrolled in the instance

  1. On the Create Announcement dialog, select Type as Email. Specify the subject, type the message, and click Save. The training is selected automatically.

    Create announcement as email

    Create announcement as email

  2. After you click Save, you see a confirmation message for the successful creation of the announcement. To publish the announcement, click Publish Now.

    Announcement created successfully

Enroll learners to courses

In this training, you will learn how to enroll, unenroll, and re-enroll learners.


If you’re unable to launch the training, write to

Enroll learners in various instances

  1. Select a course from the list of courses.

  2. Select Learners on the left panel.

  3. Select Enroll.

    Enroll learners

    Publish the course

  4. In the Enroll Learners dialog, you can:

    • Select an instance to enroll a learner from the Select Instance dropdown.
    • Select the user or user groups or both in the Include Learners field.
    • Select the learners you want to be excluded from the instance in the Exclude Learners field.
    • At the bottom of the dialog, select Yes if you want a learner or learners enrolled in the selected instance.
  5. Select Proceed.


    Proceed to enrolling learners

View enrollment report of an instance

  1. Select a course from the list of courses.
  2. Select Learners on the left panel.
  3. Select Actions > Export.

The Excel file contains worksheets for each instance. A worksheet consists of the fields:

  • Learners
  • Email
  • User Unique ID
  • Course Name
  • LO Unique ID
  • Status
  • Selection Criteria
  • Enrollment Date / Unenrollment Date (UTC TimeZone)
  • Completion Date (UTC TimeZone)
  • Due Date (UTC TimeZone)
  • Started Date (UTC TimeZone)
  • Quiz Score
  • Manager Name
  • Address
  • userState
  • Area of Expertise
  • Comments
  • Number of Visits
  • Visit Dates
  • Timestamps (UTC TimeZone)
  • Time Spent (mins)
Enabling Multi-Enrollment results in multiple rows being added to the Learner Transcript Report for each course (one row for each instance).
If you’ve reporting automation set up that anticipates only one row per course, you must make the necessary adjustments to the reporting automation before enabling the Multi-Enrollment feature.

Manage learners list for a course

  1. Click course name on the course thumbnail.
  2. From the left pane, click Learners.

Select learners in a course

You can perform the following actions from the Learners page:

  • Select the Learner you want to remove, and click Actions > Remove.
  • Select the Learner whose attendance you want to mark, and click Actions > Mark Complete.

To allow learners to reset a module and consume the module again, click Reset. From the pop-up dialog box, click Yes to confirm the Reset. Modules that have been completed cannot be reset. Only failed or incomplete modules can be reset.

You can also export the learners list in an excel sheet. To export the learners list, click Actions > Export.

If there are multiple instances for a course, the learners list in excel is provided in each tab separately. The learners list consists of learner name, status and selection criteria. Learners status can be Not started, or In progress, or Completed.

Export learners in pending approval state

An Administrator, Manager, or Custom Admin can export data of learners who are in pending approval enrollment state. You can export the data via Course > Learner tab, and click the Action drop-down list.

The option will be present when no learner is enrolled/pending approval to the manager approved course and an empty report will be generated. You can also export when learners are in pending approval state, enrolled state, pending state, and unenrolled state.

The report contains data of active, deleted, and suspended users if they are pending approval. Also the report contains data of internal and external users, who are in pending approval state.

If a learner who was earlier in pending approval state, unenrolls, then his/her record will not be present in the report. Also if a learner who was earlier in pending approval state, is enrolled to the course by admin/manager/custom admin enrollment, then his/her record is present in the report.


The waitlist section allows learners to be waitlisted for classroom courses when seats are limited, based on their order of enrollment. Administrators can manage this by selecting waitlisted learners and allocating seats beyond the initial limit. Once a seat is allocated by the administrator, the learner is immediately enrolled in the course.

Waitlist report

Adobe Learning Manager’s allows admins to download the list of waitlisted learners for all instances of a course. Admins can access this report from the Waitlist section on the Course Overview page.

Following the columns available in the Waitlist report:

  • Course Name
  • Instance Name
  • Instance ID
  • Instance Status
  • User Name
  • Email
  • User Unique ID
  • Date Enrolled (UTC TimeZone)
  • Status
  • Waitlist Number
  • Waitlist Limit
  • Seat Limit

To download the report from Admin section:

  1. Log in as Admin.

  2. Go to the Course section and select the required course.

  3. Select the Waitlist option in the Course overview page.

  4. Select Actions > Export Report to download the Waitlist report.

    Export Report

Export learners’ attendance

For any classroom and VC course, you can download the list of learners who have attended this course, for any instance.

On the course details page, click Attendance and Scoring on the right pane.

On the top right-corner of the page, click the Actions drop-down list. Then click the option Export Learner List (PDF).

Export list of learners as PDF

On the PDF, you can view the same set of learners as an instructor does.

When you download the PDF, you can see the time zone (in UTC) that was used when creating the course.

Add L1 and L3 feedback

You can add L1 and L3 feedback options while you create the courses:

  1. Click Courses at the left pane after you log in as Administrator. List of all the courses appears on the right side page.
  2. Click the course tile for which you want to add L1 or L3 feedback.
  3. Click instance default at the left pane.
  4. Click the circle on toggle button adjacent to L1 or L3 feedback to enable it.
  5. Add the L3 feedback question in the text area below L3 Question.

Mandatory L1 feedback

You can make all questions or the first question mandatory in an L1 feedback.

Make all questions or the first question mandatory in an L1 feedback

Now, you can create the questions, which now become mandatory.

Create the questions

If the two mandatory questions, for some reason, doesn’t have any text, the questions will not appear in the feedback form.

It is not enough that you enable these settings at the Learning Program instance. You must also enable these settings at the Course Instance level for each course in the Learning Program.

In Instance Defaults page, if you enable Make All Questions Mandatory, then all new instances created thereafter will inherit these settings.

View the Instance Defaults page

L1 feedback at course level

In previous versions of Learning Manager, an Administrator could enable L1 feedback for the Learning Program.

In this release of Learning Manager, the Administrator can send L1 feedback for all the courses that are part of the Learning Program. The Administrator must ensure that L1 feedback is enabled for all the courses at the course instance level.

  1. To enable L1 feedback for each course, in the Admin app, click Learning Programs > View Learning Program.

  2. Click Instances > L1 Feedback Enabled.

  3. Enable the option Enable for Each Course.

    Enable course feedback

    Only enabling this toggle at the Learning Program level will not trigger the L1 feedback for the courses inside this program. For enabling the L1 feedback, go to each course in the Learning Program and enable the L1 Feedback toggle.

    Enable L1 feedback for each course

    If L1 feedback is enabled for all courses, but is disabled in the learning Program instance, then the L1 feedback will not be triggered for the courses.

Language specific quiz reports

Quiz reports help in evaluating the performance of a learner post completion of a Learning program or course.

Learning Manager currently facilitates learning in 13 interface languages and 32 content languages. Although, this option is learner-friendly and provides convenience in supporting our global learners, it is strenuous for Admins to fetch reports attempted in various locales.

Quiz reports, display data in different languages provided the course is being offered in multiple languages. Until now, reports generated by Admin displayed responses one below the other irrespective of the language in which the quiz was attempted. For example, If a user has taken a quiz in Dutch, Admin will only be able to view those quiz reports attempted by users in Dutch at a time. The Admin who has selected English as an interface language, was unable to view reports for all users at once irrespective of the locale attempted in.

This is now rectified as the Admin is now able to view all the reports in the respective language which the learner attempted all at once, regardless of the content locale chosen. Quiz attempted in different languages will be added as additional columns in the quiz report.

Enable L1 feedback at account level

Enable L1 feedback at account level

An Admin will be able to enable L1 feedback for newly created courses and Learning Program by turning on this setting at account level. However, turning on this setting doesn’t impact the existing courses and Learning Programs

If enabled, all new trainings and new instances will have the feedback enabled by default. In case an author/admin visits the instance, instance defaults and switches it off manually, then it gets honored.

To enable L1 feedback, in the Admin app, click Settings > Feedback.

View the Feedback Settings page

Click Edit on the upper-right corner and toggle the option to enable L1 feedback.

When an author creates a course, on the Instance page of the Admin app, the L1 feedback is automatically enabled for the new course.

You can also disable the L1 feedback by toggling the Enable option, as shown below:

Enable or disable the L1 feedback

Add descriptive questions for L1 and L3 feeedback

As part of Learning Manager November release, an option to add descriptive questions has been provided. Administrators have an option to add these questions to learners. This provision is in addition to the default set of questions provided by Learning Manager. You can also make them mandatory if required by choosing the option below the question.

You can add two descriptive questions for L1 feedback and one descriptive question for L3 feedback.

Once you enable L1 feedback, you can view the options as shown in the following snapshot.

Add descriptive questions for L1 and L3 feedback

If you want the questionnaire to appear to the learner immediately after course completion, you can choose the option accordingly.

A sample output of the L1 questionnaire is provided below for your reference. Learners can view the questionnaire in the below format. Test-1 and Test-2 are the descriptive questions.

A sample course feedback questions

Once you enable the L3 feedback, you can view the options as shown in the below snapshot:

Enable L3 feedback

Question 2 is the descriptive question for L3 feedback. You can make it mandatory by clicking the option accordingly below the question.

A sample output of the L3 questionnaire is provided below for your reference. Learners can view the questionnaire in the below format.

View L3 feedback output

Set up L1 and L3 feedback questionnaire

You can set up L1 and L3 feedback questionnaire and also set reminders at the account level.

  1. Click Settings and then Feedback on the left pane after you log in as Administrator.
    Feedback settings page appears with two tabs: L1 Feedback and L3 Feedback.
    L1 Feedback tab consists of a list of default L1 feedback questionnaire for class room and self-paced courses along with reminder settings. In L3 Feedback tab, you can view L3 feedback default statement and reminder settings.

  2. Click Edit on the upper-right corner of the page, to modify the existing questionnaire.
    In L1 Feedback tab, you can enable/disable each question by clicking the Yes/No toggle button.
    In L3 Feedback tab, you can modify the default feedback statement.
    Click Add New Reminder at the bottom of the page and choose when to send the reminders.

  3. Click Save at the upper-right corner of the page.

In L1 feedback, you can see two sets of questionnaire along with a default question. First set of questionnaire refers to self paced courses which can also be used for activity based courses. Second set of questionnaire can be used for Class room and virtual class room type of courses.

View L1 and L3 feedback

You can view the L1 feedback provided by learners for a course and the L3 feedback provided by Managers for learners.

  1. Click any course tile in the Courses list.
  2. Click L1 Feedback or L3 Feedback on the left pane to view the feedback received.
  3. Select the instance from the drop-down list to view the feedback for that particular instance.

Discussion board

The Discussion Board feature allows learners to view the course discussions. As an admin, you have the ability to delete any comments as needed. Admins can enable this option under course settings.

Course moderation

Whenever an author adds, updates, or deletes modules and republishes a course, all the administrators receive notification about the same. As an administrator, you can then view the changes, compare the old and new content by clicking on the link, and either approve or reject the changes accordingly.

To enable Course Moderation, click Settings > General. Select the Course Moderation check-box to enable this feature.

Enable course moderation

Click on the notification to view the changes the author has made to the course. Then, either approve or reject the changes made by the author. If you choose to approve, the course will be republished. If you reject the updates, the previous version of the course will continue to exist. In either case, a notification is sent to the author.

Author requests for course updates

If there are multiple authors who are updating the same course, the latest or the last performed change will reflect in the administrator’s notification. You can then approve or reject the latest changes.

Export checklist data

From the list of courses, open a course that contains a checklist. On the left pane, you will see an option Checklist.

Export checklist data

Click the option and on the course page, perform the following:

  1. Select the instance and the module.
  2. Click Actions > Export, and then export the learner checklist report.

On the Checklist page, an Instructor can export the checklist report from the Actions drop-down list.

The CSV report contains the following fields:

  • User name
  • User email
  • Manager name and email
  • Training name
  • Training instance
  • Instructor name and email
  • Submitted on
  • Evaluation Status
  • Questions-with actual text
  • User State
  • Profile
  • Active Field(s)

When you download a report after selecting a status filter, the downloaded Learner Transcript report will contain the learner data based on the status filter applied. This added filter will also be displayed to Custom Admin and Manager when they are about to generate a Learner Transcript.

Viewing courses

As an administrator, you can view a list of all available courses. Click Courses on the left pane to view the list of courses with search and filter options. You can also view the course effectiveness percentage for each course on the course thumbnails.

You can retire a course after the course is consumed by learners or when you want to hold up any particular course after publishing it. You can retire a course only when it is in a published state. List of all the retired courses can be viewed by clicking the Retired tab.

View quiz scores

  1. Click course name on the course thumbnail.
  2. Click Quiz Score on the left pane.

You can view the quiz scores of any particular course based on user name or based on each question. Choose By User or By Question tabs accordingly.

Choose the instance type from the drop-down list to view the scores based on each instance of the course.

Default instance

Admins can set default Badges, gamification settings and reminders in Default Instance page. To modify the default instance settings, select Default Instance > Edit.

  • Badge: Select the default badges from the dropdown menu.
  • Gamification: Configure gamification settings, including points for completion, early completion, and timely completion. Admins have the option to select account level settings or customize the gamification points for this instance.
  • L1 Reaction Feedback: Enable predefined questions for learner feedback upon course completion, with options to make questions mandatory.
    *** L3 Behaviour Change Feedback**: Enable feedback questions for the learner’s manager upon course completion.
    *** Reminder Settings**: Set and manage reminders for deadlines, with options for escalation.

Set escalation level

For sending the email notifications, an Admin must explicitly choose the escalation level to:

  • Manager
  • Manager & Skip Level Manager

Set escalation level

Completion comments

Admins can leave comments when they mark any learner as complete for courses, learning paths, or certifications. These comments help with compliance and auditing purposes. Admins can easily add comments for one learner or multiple learners at once.

Add completion comments

Follow these steps to add completion comments:

  1. Log in as an Admin.

  2. Go to the Courses page and select a course.

  3. Select Learners on the course page.

  4. Choose the individual learner or multiple learners.

  5. Select Actions and then select** Mark Completion**.

  6. Enter your completion comment in the dialog box.

    Completion comment

This process is the same for Learning Paths and Certifications. For learning paths, you can filter to select all courses or just individual courses to mark as complete.

Select multiple courses for completion

The comments will be visible in the Learner Transcripts report.

Preview courses

Administrator can preview courses by clicking the Preview as learner option while viewing the course modules.

  1. Click Courses on the left pane after you log in as an administrator.
  2. Click any course tile from the list of courses on the page.
  3. Click Preview as learner from the left pane and click the module name on the page to preview the course module in the player.

Course effectiveness

Course effectiveness is evaluated to understand the usefulness of a course to the learner. It is a combination of results from learner feedback on the course content, the course quiz results for a learner and the manager’s feedback evaluating a learner based on learnings from the course.

Administrator can view the course effectiveness rating on the course thumbnails as shown in the below snapshot. You can see the rating for this course as 100.

The course effectiveness rating value is arrived considering L1, L2 & L3 feedback values. To view the breakup of each feedback, click the course effectiveness value. A pop-up appears as shown below.

View course effectiveness for L1, L2, and L3 feedback

In this sample snapshot, 1 out 1 users received all the three feedbacks, hence the score is 100/100. From this table, you can understand that if any of the three feedbacks (L1, L2 and L3 )are not provided for a course, there is a negative impact on the overall effectiveness. Click the down-arrow at the lower-right corner of the pop-up to view how course effectiveness calculations are done.

Course effectiveness calculation

As per the pie-chart shown above, more weightage is given to L3 feedback from manager.

Searching courses and learning programs

Adobe Learning Manager makes it easier for you to find the courses/learning programs of your choice quickly. You can search for your courses in two ways:

  1. Using Search field. Click search icon displayed at the upper-right corner. A search field appears. Type the course name or any keywords associated with your courses to locate your courses/learning programs. You can also search using predefined tags like Captivate, C, Java, and HTML. Tags are searchable inside Search field, which means the tags are displayed in search field as you type.
  2. By filtering list of courses/learning programs using the filters. You can filter the courses by state such as All, published, draft, and Retired. In Administrator mode, draft filter does not appear.

You can search based on competencies by clicking Competencies and choosing them. As an admin you can sort the courses in four ways, to better locate your required course. Click Sort By and choose alphabetical ascending order, alphabetical descending order, course updated date, or effectiveness of courses.

You can sort learning programs in three ways: alphabetical ascending order, alphabetical descending order and based on updated date.