Roles in Microsoft Teams

If you’re organizing a meeting with multiple participants, you can assign roles to each participant so that a participant can know what he/she can do in the meeting.

There are two roles to choose from: presenter and attendee.

For more information, see Roles in a Teams Meeting- Microsoft.

Set up Microsoft Teams connector

Items marked <Developer/Optional> below are optional and mostly for setting up trial/developer tenants with Microsoft in case the user does not have a production tenant. These are optional since they mostly would have already been performed by your Team’s Administrator.

Create developer E5 Microsoft account <Developer/Optional>

You can access Microsoft Teams connector if you have Office 365 E3 or Office 365 E5. The recommended option is Office 365 E5.

  • Visit the Microsoft plans page. On the webpage, you can either buy E3 or E5 account or click Try for Free.
  • Provide the required information and create an account.
The account must use the format <username>@<company name>

Create application for Microsoft Teams connector

  1. Visit the Microsoft Azure® portal.

  2. Sign in with the Microsoft E5 account that you created in the previous section.

  3. Search for Azure Active Directory.

  4. Click App Registrations.

  5. Click New Registration, enter the following details, and register the application:

    1. Name - Any name of your choice.
    2. Supported account types - Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure Active Directory - Multitenant).
    3. Redirect URI (optional) - Optional field indicating the reply URL.
  6. In the Essentials column, note the following IDs, which will be further used during the integration:

    1. Application (client) ID
    2. Directory (tenant) ID
  7. Search for client credentials and click Add a certificate or secret.

  8. Click New Client secret and add the following details:

    1. Description - Enter any name.
    2. Expires - Set to any value (recommended value is 24 months. Ensure that new client credentials are generated once the previous one expires).

Note the client secret, which will be further used during the integration.

Get access permission for Microsoft Teams connector

  1. Visit the Microsoft Azure portal.

  2. Sign in with the Microsoft E5 that you created earlier.

  3. Search for Azure Active Directory.

  4. Click App Registrations.

  5. Click the app that you created in the previous section.

  6. Click API permissions.

  7. Click Add a permission.

  8. Select Microsoft Graph > Application permissions and add the following permissions:

    1. Chat.Read.All
    2. Directory.Read.All
    3. OnlineMeetingArtifact.Read.All
    4. OnlineMeetings.Read.All
    5. OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All
    6. User.Read.All
    7. OnlineMeetingRecording.Read.All
  9. Click Grant admin access for Adobe.

  10. Click App roles > Create app role.

  11. Enter the following values:

    1. Display name - Name of the API/Permission name (For example, Calendars.ReadWrite).

    2. Allowed member types - Specify both users and applications (Users/Groups + Applications).

    3. Value - Name of the API/Permission name (For example, Calendars.ReadWrite).

    4. Description - Name of the API/Permission name (For example, Calendars.ReadWrite).

    5. Do you want to enable this app role? - Select this checkbox.

  12. Repeat the preceding steps for all the nine API/Permissions that were added.

Configure access policy by using PowerShell scripts

To configure the application access policy for Microsoft Teams connector by running PowerShell scripts, follow the procedure described in this document.

This enables the connector to access Microsoft Teams online meetings.

In the above document, execute Optional step 5 as well to ensure that any active user can be granted the role of the organizer from within the Learning Manager Author app. If this step is not executed, users will not have the required access permissions to be organizers and the meeting creation will fail (Microsoft APIs consider the organizer to be the creator of a Teams meeting).

Set up Microsoft Teams connector in Learning Manager

  1. Sign in to Learning Manager as an Integration Admin.

  2. In the Connectors page, select Microsoft Teams connector and click Connect.

  3. Enter these values:

    1. Connection Name - Give the name that author will see while creating the session.

    2. Microsoft Teams Tenant Id - Enter the value determined earlier.

    3. Microsoft Teams Client Id - Enter the value determined earlier.

    4. Microsoft Teams Client Secret - Enter the value determined earlier.

    5. Microsoft Teams Admin User Email - Enter the default organizer email. This user (typically a service user) would be the meeting creator in case no explicit organizer is selected from the Learning Manager Author app.