Bulletin ID
Security update available for Adobe Dreamweaver CC | APSB18-07
Date Published |
Priority |
APSB18-07 |
March 13, 2018 |
3 |
Adobe has released a security update for Adobe Dreamweaver CC. This update resolves a critical OS command injection vulnerability in the Dreamweaver URI handler on Windows (CVE-2018-4924) that could result in arbitrary code execution in the context of the current user.
Affected Versions
Product |
Affected Versions |
Platform |
Adobe Dreamweaver CC |
18.0 and earlier versions |
Windows |
Adobe categorizes this update with the following priority rating and recommends users update their software installations via the Creative Cloud desktop app updater, or by navigating to the Dreamweaver Help menu and clicking "Updates." For more information, please reference this help page.
Product |
Updated Version |
Platform |
Priority rating |
Adobe Dreamweaver CC |
18.1 |
Windows |
3 |
For managed environments, IT administrators can use the Creative Cloud Packager to create deployment packages. Refer to this help page for more information on the Creative Cloud Packager.
Vulnerability Details
Vulnerability Category |
Vulnerability Impact |
Severity |
CVE Numbers |
OS Command Injection |
Arbitrary Code Execution |
Critical |
CVE-2018-4924 |
Adobe would like to thank Rgod for reporting this issue and for working with Adobe to help protect our customers.