Enhance your mobile presence with a beautifully designed image gallery. Find the perfect image using Adobe Stock search filters, and then bring it all together in Adobe XD.

Find an image for a gallery

Search for an image that relates to your organization’s product offering. In this example, we’ll search for “Aurora Borealis, northern” to find an image for our company’s excursion to see the Northern Lights.

Pump up the color

Add a high level of Vivid Color to your search for more colorful and impactful images.

Add the image to an XD artboard

Place the image in your mobile XD gallery layout and add a title.

Add the image again

Add the same image to the background of the artboard and apply opacity and blur effects.

The final result

Your gallery images now have a full screen design featuring colorful complementary images that are sure to attract attention.

Check out this curated collection from Adobe Stock with more images that you can use in your next project.

25 Aug 2022

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