When an Edge Web Font is used on a page earlier.
Learn the workarounds as Edge Web Fonts and Extract services discontinue.
Edge Web Fonts
Effective from July 01, 2022, Adobe Edge Web Fonts will be discontinued in Dreamweaver 21.2 and earlier versions.
For the following occurrences, replace the Edge Web Fonts using Adobe Fonts or any other preferred fonts:
When the script tag below has been added to reference the Edge Web Font's JavaScript file:
<script>var adobewebfontsappname ="dreamweaver"</script>
<script src="http://use.edgefonts.net/<font name>:n4:default.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Also, search for the applied Edge Web Font occurrences in your files (HTML pages, linked CSS files, and more). Based on the script tag, search for all the font names that contain <font name> attribute of the script tag present in your files and replace them.
Check other occurrences of Edge Web Fonts using the steps below:
Click Site > Site Options > Select Check Links Sitewide > Select External files from Show dropdown > Click Check Links For Entire Current Local Site
Based on the outcome of the results, search for all the font names that contain <font name> attribute of the script tag present in your files and replace them.
Find other occurrences of Edge Web Fonts using the steps below:
Click Find > Find and Replace in Files > Basic > Enter text http://use.edgefonts.net/ in Find textbox > Set [any tag] to script > Select Entire Current Local Site or other option in the drop-down > Click Find All
Observe the results in the Search panel and replace the fonts containing Edge Web Fonts.
If you don't replace the Edge Web Fonts in your document or site, the text will be automatically rendered with the defined fallback font or browser default font.
Effective from July 01, 2022, the features in the Extract panel will be discontinued in Dreamweaver 21.2 and earlier versions. Use Adobe Photoshop to extract style information, assets from PSD components, and reuse them in Dreamweaver.