How to allow page thumbnail selection from /content/dam

Override the page properties dialog so that the thumbnail selection is from AEM Assets (/content/dam) instead of a direct file upload.


AEM 6.3


  1. Install the attached package to an AEM 6.3 instance.
  2. Go to http://host:port/crx/de/index.jsp and log in as admin user.
  3. Browse to this node structure which adds a thumbnail tab (which can be copied to your own custom page properties): /apps/weretail/components/structure/page/cq:dialog/content/items/tabs/items/assetpicker
  4. Browse to this node, it hides the original thumbnail tab so that only the new one from step 3 is displayed: /apps/weretail/components/structure/page/cq:dialog/content/items/tabs/items/thumbnail



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