Import and export HDR content

Learn the process of importing HDR content and how to export your final compositions while maintaining the HDR quality.

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HDR import and export is now available for testing and feedback. Try it now in After Effects (beta).

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After Effects now allows the import and export of HDR (High Dynamic Range) content that enables accurate color management and consistency across different devices and platforms, facilitated by the support for CICP (Coding-independent code points) metadata. 

About CICP

CICP Metadata, a broadcast industry standard for specifying color spaces, defines the video color space (primaries), transfer function, matrix coefficients, and scaling factor of the image using code points in accordance with the ITU-T H.273 standard. 


After Effects now supports CICP metadata in PNG, MOV and ICC profiles if included.

Import HDR content

After Effects now allows accurate processing for HDR content on import. It recognizes high dynamic range (HDR) characteristics and ensures the preservation of the imported content's full dynamic range, brightness, and color accuracy.

  1. Create a composition and select Project Settings from the Project panel menu.

    The Project menu is open and Project Settings option is selected.
    Use the Project Settings to adjust the Working Color Space for the project before you import the HDR content.

  2. Under the Color tab, make sure you have selected an HDR-compatible Working Color Space, such as Rec.2100 PQ.

    The Project Settings dialog box is open and the Working Color Space under the Color Settings is selected as Rec2100 PQ.
    Select Working Color Space to specify the color environment for your project.

  3. Import a file containing CICP metadata such as Quicktime, PNG, or TIFF file with ICC profile.

Export HDR content

You can export your composition in HDR to ensure the final output has high dynamic range (HDR) characteristics such as contrast, color accuracy, and brightness. This process includes exporting CICP metadata, which allows HDR content to be correctly interpreted by devices, ensuring the reproduction on HDR-capable displays matches the intended HDR content. 

  1. To export with CICP Metadata, add your composition to Render Queue.

  2. Select PNG Sequence from the Output Module.

    The Output Module Settings dialog box is open and under Main Options, the Format selected is PNG Sequence.
    Use PNG Sequence as the format for high-quality image sequences, preserving color information and transparency.

  3. In the Color tab, select a desired output color space or keep it in the working space and select OK.

    The Output Module Settings dialog box is open and under Color, the Output Color Space selected is Rec 2100 PQ.
    Select Output Color Space as Rec 2100 PQ to ensure that the colors in your project are accurately converted to high dynamic range (HDR) color space.

  4. Select Render to start rendering and export. If the selected color space supports representation as CICP metadata, it will be automatically embedded in the rendered output.


If you are working with After Effects and Premiere Pro, you can send compositions with HDR and CICP embedded directly to Premiere Pro using Dynamic Link or as a Motion Graphics template.

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