
To implement Adobe Analytics server side, you have the following options:

Mobile app implementation methods

For your mobile app, the following implementation methods are available:

  • Mobile SDK extension: The standardized and recommended method to implement Adobe Analytics in your mobile app. Use dedicated libraries to easily send data to Adobe from within your mobile app. Add the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK extension in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection Tags, then implement the Mobile SDK library in your app. You can use the SDK to import libraries, register extensions, and load the tag configuration. Send data to the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network; Edge then forwards that data to Adobe Analytics.
    Mobile SDK extension

    See Implement Adobe Analytics using the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK for more information.

  • Analytics extension: Add the Adobe Analytics extension in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection Tags, and implement the Mobile SDK library in your app. You can use the SDK to import libraries, register extensions, and load the tag configuration. This implementation method sends data directly to Adobe Analytics. It is recommended if you want the convenience of Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection, but do not want to use Adobe’s Experience Platform Edge network infrastructure.
    Analytics extension

    See Implement Adobe Analytics using the Analytics extension for more information.

See for support for older versions of Adobe’s mobile SDKs the SDKs end-of-support announcements.