Troubleshoot AEM Forms on JEE Installation

Cache server fails to reconnect properly after disconnection


When TCP locators remove an AEM Forms server node from the cluster (due to hearbeat timeout or any other issue) and the node rejoins the distribution system, caching does not work on the node.

Users experiences an error message similar to the following:

error message


In case caching is not working properly, you must restart the server node. On successful restart, the node joins the cluster and cache starts working. 

Configuration Manager fails when JBoss default port is changed


The Configuration Manager fails when the user changes the JBoss default port from 8080. It results in no reponse from the JBoss service.  

The issue occurs when the user modifies the JBoss listen port in the lc_turnkey.xml file from 8080 to other port.

For example, lc_turnkey.xml: Port 8080 --> 9999

<socket-binding name="http" interface="any" port="${jboss.http.port:8080 --> 9999}"/>

User experiences an error message similar to the following:

Error message


Before you change the default port, you must know that the port change is supported only for http, not for https.

To successfully modify the default JBoss port:

  • Modify the port in lc-turnkey.xml file: 
    For example, lc_turnkey.xml: Port 8080 --> 9999
    <socket-binding name="http" interface="any" port="${jboss.http.port:8080 --> 9999}"/>

  • Add a property turnkey.jboss.webport  in the file under the Configuration Manager with the value of new port.
    For example, turnkey.jboss.webport=9999
lcm properties

  • Run Configuration Manager to apply the modifications.

ClassCastException error on running Xerces libraries on AIX


Users experiences ClassCastException error on running Xerces libraries on AIX:

error message


Modify the file and perfrom the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the [AEM installation directory]/adobe_experience_manager_Forms/crx-repository/launchpad/ 

    and open the file for editing.

  2. Add the following property at the end of the file:

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Restart the AEM instance.


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