Automate custom send workflows


The Automatic Workflow Detection feature allows administrators to control their agreement versioning at the file level by installing a unique string of characters on the first page of their PDF. This unique string is then added to a Custom Workflow, allowing Acrobat Sign to logically connect the uploaded file and workflow when the sender uploads the file.

This allows organizations that produce custom documents on boilerplate templates to automate the agreement structure and place form fields through templates, significantly reducing the time for senders to configure and author their individual agreements.

How automated workflows are used by senders

Automatic workflow detection is triggered by users when they upload a PDF file through the Start from library > Choose Files from My Computer button on the Home page.

  • Uploading a file using any method/interface other than the Start from library > Choose Files from My Computer button bypasses the automatic detection process entirely.
  • Only a PDF file will trigger the workflow detection. 
    • Attempting to upload a non-PDF format document results in an Invalid Document error.
The Home page showing the expanded file picker with the "Choose files from my computer" option highlighted

Once the file is uploaded, Acrobat Sign evaluates the first page of the uploaded file, looking for a potential Match Text string.

Any strings that comply with the Match Text parameters are compared to the Match Text strings used by any workflow that the sender has access to through their group memberships.

If the Match Text string on the file matches a Workflow Match Text, the sender is routed to the custom compose page for the related workflow.

  • The uploaded file is automatically attached and may not be removed.
  • If the workflow is available at the organization level, the sender can select the group under which the agreement will be sent.
  • If the workflow is related to one group, the group picker is automatically set to the value that the workflow is associated with and may not be changed. 
  • All other workflow options are available as you would expect with a manually selected workflow.

The workflow can be configured to apply a Form Field Layer, removing the need for senders to preview and add signature fields.

A "Custome Compose" page showing the attached file and other configured elements.

The sender Sends the agreement after verifying the final configuration of the agreement.

How to configure workflows for automation

Define the Match Text

Having a plan for how to build your Match Text strings is strongly advised. If you have hundreds of workflows, or if your account uses multiple groups, some of which utilize similar forms, you will find that having a naming convention for the Match Text string is essential. 

The requirements of the Match Text string are:

  • Each Match Text string must be unique within the customer's Acrobat Sign account.
  • The code must be a continuous string of characters between 20 and 30 characters long. 
  • This string can only include alphanumeric, dash "-", and underscore " _" characters. No periods or spaces are allowed.

When determining your Match Text convention, consider:

  • If the form has an existing document ID that you can incorporate (e.g., W-4 or NDA)
  • If the form has an obvious version that can be  easily understood (e.g., W-4_2024 or NDA_Q1-2024)
  • If including the group name related to the workflow should be included (e.g., HR-W-4_2024 or Lgl_NDA_Q1-2024)
  • What type of reasonable version string can be used and understood by other document creators (e.g., HR-W-4_2024_ver1_1 or Lgl_NDA_Q1-2024_interns)

Remember that the string must be between 20-30 characters, so fill the volume with something meaningful that will facilitate maintenance in the future.

Add the Match Text to your document PDF

The Match Text string must be on the first page of the uploaded file.

The text can be any color or size.

Commonly, versioning numbers are found in the corners of documents, but you can place the string anywhere on the first page:

A PDF footer with the Match Text exposed

Add the Match Text to your Workflow's Workflow Info tab

Create a new workflow (or edit an existing one) to add the Match Text string on the Workflow Info tab:

The Workflow designer "Workflow Info" tab highlighting the Match Text field.


Adding a Match Text string to a workflow does not prevent the workflow from being used manually.

Configure the Documents tab to include the uploaded PDF

The workflow must be configured to accept the uploaded file on the Documents tab. To configure that document:

  1. Select the Add Document link, which adds a row for one document (file).
  2. Provide a Document Title. This value appears on the sender's Compose page when creating their agreement. It's recommended that the Document Title reflect that the document is the same file that was uploaded so senders aren't confused.
  3. Leave the Files and Document Name fields empty.
  4. The general recommendation is to check the Required box so that it shows in the user's interface as a required element and may reduce questions about why the user cannot replace it. However, the Required checkbox has no mechanical impact as the uploaded file is automatically attached and may not be removed by the sender, regardless of how the checkbox is configured. 

Additional documents can be added to the template if your process allows for the sender to add additional/supporting content to the agreement.

The Documents tab highlighting the Add Files link with an added file configured for the uploaded PDF

Consider how to apply form fields to the agreement

Adding form fields through the template process saves your senders from spending time authoring in their own fields and ensures the fields are correctly placed and named for eventual reporting.

Automated workflow detection works with PDFs that contain text tags or are designed as AcroForms

Alternatively, a form field layer can be added to the workflow from the Documents tab to apply all signature-related and data-collection fields. This requires a template to be built beforehand:

  1. Create a template using the same PDF you are designing with the Match Text included.
    • Include the Match Text string in your template name to quickly find it.
    • Configure the template to be Both a document and form field layer.
    • Ensure that the scope of Who can use this template matches the scope defined in the workflow.
  2. Author the fields onto the template.
  3. Save the template

To add a form field layer to your workflow:

  1. Open the workflow and navigate to the Documents tab.
  2. Select the Add Document icon in the Form Field Layer section.
    • A picker panel shows you all the form field layers available (through your group selection).
  3. Select the correct form field layer.
  4. Select OK to complete the attachment.
The Documents tab with the Form Field Layer field highlighted and an inset of the form field picker..


A Form Field Layer is applied in addition to any fields included in the PDF (Text tag or AcroForm).

Match Text values are exposed on the list of workflows

Workflows that have a Match Text value will show that value on the list of Custom Workflows:

The workflow list with the Match Text column highlighted.

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