Sharing to the web

Premiere Elements enables you to export your movie in formats suitable for delivery through the Internet. Using the Publish And Share panel, you can upload your video directly to the web. Premiere Elements provides a preset of formats like MP4 files, which are commonly used to embed video into web pages and web applications.

The Flash Video For Web preset covers the requirements of most servers and the bandwidth and player options available to most viewers. Using the provided preset is the quickest way to export your movie. You can also customize the settings to match a specific situation. Remember, however, to make sure that the data rate of your movie is appropriate for the intended playback medium.

Share a movie on YouTube

Adobe Premiere Elements makes it simple to quickly upload your movies directly to YouTube. You can set up an account and specify quality settings the first time you upload to YouTube.

  1. Click Publish and Share to display the Publish And Share panel, and choose Online.
  2. Select the option to upload your video to YouTube.
  3. Select a preset to use for YouTube, and click Next.
  4. Enter the user name and password for your YouTube account, and click Next.
  5. Enter the required information about your project: Title, Description, Tags, and Category, and choose a language. Then click Next.
  6. Choose whether you want to allow the public to view your project, and then click Share.

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