Send in Bulk- FAQ


"Mega Sign" was rebranded to "Send in Bulk" in the June 2021 release.

Both refer to the same function.

Delegation/replacing signer

Send in Bulk–sent transactions cannot be delegated to any other signer. If your original recipient is not the person who needs to sign that document, cancel their individually sent transaction. Then, send the document as a new transaction to the new signer.

Bounced email

If the email sent to an individual recipient bounces, double-check that the email address was entered correctly.

If the email address was correct, the recipient can use the following troubleshooting tips to ensure that they can receive emails from Adobe Acrobat Sign:

  • Check the spam folder.
  • Add "" to the address book or safe list.
  • If the email has a stringent security setting that blocks emails with active HTML links, then reduce that setting.
  • Turn off filtering.

You can then set a reminder for that individual transaction so that another email is sent to that email address requesting that they sign. If the issue persists, submit a support ticket with the details of this issue and the email address that is bouncing.

If the email was misspelled or incorrect, cancel the individually sent transaction, then send the document as a new transaction to the new signer.

Failed batch

A common result is the same email address that the transaction is being sent from is also in the list of recipients. Transactions cannot be sent to the same email address that they are being sent from. Double-check your list of recipients and ensure that the email address you used to log in to Acrobat Sign with is not included in that list.

If the issue persists, submit a support ticket with the details of this issue, including a screenshot of any error messages, and attach your CSV file to that email.

  1. Navigate to the Manage page

  2. Click the Bulk sends filter in the left rail

  3. Single-click the transaction you want to add the reminder to. 

    • The right rail opens to expose the transaction actions.
  4. Click the Remind action

  5. Set the:

    • Reminder Frequency
    • Who you want to remind
    • An optional message to the recipients
    Set a Reminder

  6. Click Create

    A success notice is displayed at tthe top of the window:

    Reminder success message

Following are the steps to set individual reminders for Send in Bulk (child) agreements:

  1. Navigate to the Manage page

  2. Click the Bulk sends filter in the left rail

  3. Single-click the transaction you want to add the reminder to. 

    • The right rail opens to expose the transaction actions.
  4. In the Agreements section, click the In Progress option

    • A filtered page of the individual child agreements that are still in progress is rendered
    Navigate to the in progress agreements

  5. Single-click the individual agreement you want to add the reminder to. 

    • The right rail opens to expose the transaction actions.
  6. Click the Remind action

  7. Set the:

    • Reminder Frequency
    • Who you want to remind
    • An optional message to the recipients
    Set individual reminders

  8. Click Create

    A success notice is displayed at tthe top of the window:

    Reminder success message


Admins cannot set up Reminder for a Send in Bulk transaction on the sending page.

They can set up the  Reminders from the Manage page once the agreement is created or they can set up default Daily/Weekly Reminders from Account Settings.

  1. Navigate to the Manage page

  2. Click the Bulk sends filter in the left rail

  3. Single-click the transaction you want to cancel.

    • The right rail opens to expose the transaction actions.
  4. Check the Agreements section.

    • If no (zero) individual agreements have been Completed, then you can cancel the global Send in Bulk transaction.
      • If transactions have been Canceled, you still have the option to cancel the rest of the Sen in Bulk transaction
    Cancel Mega Sign

    • If one or more of the individual transactions has been completed, then the option to cancel the Send in Bulk transaction is removed from the available actions
      • In this case, the agreements must be canceled individually
  5. Click the Cancel action

  6. Optionally, configure the:

    • Reason 
    • Check the Notify recipients via email box to notify the recipients that the agreement has been canceled
  7. Click the Cancel Bulk Send button.

    A success message is displayed:

    Cancellation success message

    The Send in Bulk transaction remains visible on the Manage page.

    To remove the transaction:

    • Single-click the transaction to expose the actions
    • Click Hide Bulk Send
    Hide canceled Mega Sign

  1. Navigate to the Manage page

  2. Click the Bulk sends filter in the left rail

  3. Single-click the transaction you want to retrieve the data for.

    • The right rail opens to expose the transaction actions.
  4. Click the Download Form Field Data action

    • A CSV file is automatically downloaded containing the current field information for all of the child agreements related to the Send in Bulk transaction
    Download form field data

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