Adobe Audience Manager has support to activate debug mode for /event calls made to Adobe's collection servers. Mobile app and website developers use the debug mode to debug their integration code.
Work with Customer Care to request this feature to be enabled in your account.
This should not be enabled in production code as there is a risk of degraded performance on collection event calls. Adobe reserves the right to disable the debug mode if it receives high traffic.
Append &d_rtbd=json&d_cts=2&d_full=1 query parameters to the /event? call sent to Adobe Audience Manager collection serv.
{ "stuff": [], "uuid": "42363232389044164401267281780653830154", "dcs_region": 1, "tid": "11eG3/qMQAI=", "traits": [], "segments": [], "data_collection": { "traits": [], "device_metadata": { "vendor": "Google", "primary_hardware_type": "Desktop", "os_version": "10_12_5", "os_name": "OS X", "model": "Chrome - OS X", "manufacturer": "Apple", "is_robot": "0" }, "request": { "client_ip": "UNKNOWN", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36", "target_url": "/event", "request_params": [ { "key": "d_full", "value": "1" }, { "key": "d_dpuuid", "value": "A B==" }, { "key": "d_cts", "value": "2" }, { "key": "d_rtbd", "value": "json" }, { "key": "d_dpid", "value": "20915" } ], "headers": [ { "key": "Cookie", "value": "" } ], "event_type": "DATA_COLLECTION" }, "request_ids": [
Append &d_rtbd=json&d_cts=2&d_full=1 query parameters to the call sent to Adobe Analytics tracking server:
curl -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.1.1; en-US; Android SDK built for x86 Build/NYC)' -H 'Accept- Language: en-US' -H 'Host: <trackingServer>' - -data "ndh=1&aamb=cIBAx_aQzFEHcPoEv0GwcQ&aid=2CA3E5E3053178DD- 60000114C0024EAF&d_rtbd=json&d_cts=2&d_full=1" --compressed 'https://<trackingServer><rsid>/10/JAVA- 4.9.0-AN/s<timestamp>'