Add a course to the catalog
From the list of courses, choose a course that you want to add to the catalog.
Create a catalog
You can add multiple courses to the catalog.
You can filter the courses by skills, roles, and language. The selected course will be recommended to learners interested in those skills and roles.
- Skills: Skill filters allow users to find courses that focus on particular skills.
- Roles: Role filters help users to access courses tailored to the responsibilities and requirements of different roles.
- Language: Language filters assist users in selecting courses available in their preferred or required language
Save the changes. Go back to the list of catalogs and click the new catalog in the list.
In the page for the new catalog, on the left pane, click Content.
Select a course to add to the catalog
The course that you have added appears in the Courses tab.
Add a Learning Program to the catalog
From the list of Learning Programs, choose a Learning Program that you want to add to the catalog.
Save the changes. Go back to the list of catalogs and click the new catalog in the list.
In the page for the new catalog, on the left pane, click Content.
The Learning Program that you have added appears in the Learning Programs tab.
Add a certification to the catalog
From the list of Certifications, choose a Certification that you want to add to the catalog.
Save the changes. Go back to the list of catalogs and click the new catalog in the list.
In the page for the new catalog, on the left pane, click Content.
The Certification that you have added appears in the Certifications tab.
Add a Job Aid to the catalog
From the list of Job Aids, choose a Job Aid that you want to add to the catalog.
Save the changes. Go back to the list of catalogs and click the new catalog in the list.
In the page for the new catalog, on the left pane, click Content.
The Job Aid that you have added appears in the Job Aids tab.
The content appears in each of these tabs if it is already available in the account. Otherwise, you need to create the content first. For example, if you have not added any of the courses or learning programs already in Learning Manager application, then you have to start creating them first.
Bulk removal of courses, learning paths, or job aids
Admins or custom admins can remove courses, learning paths, or job aids in bulk. Go to Catalogs and select a catalog. On the Content page, select Edit Content. Then, select the Remove option next to the courses, learning paths, or job aids, and select Save.
Deep link to catalog for learners
An Admin can generate a deep link for a catalog that can take the learners to the specific catalog page.
On the Catalogs page, mouse over on the catalog that you the deep link for and click the highlighted icon.
Generate a deep link for learners
Enable the catalog
Once you create a catalog and add Learning Objects to it, to make the catalog visible to learners, you must enable the catalog.
To enable the catalog,
In the list of catalogs, toggle the option near the catalog that you want to enable. Alternatively, you can select the check-box near the catalog, click Actions on the upper-right corner, and click Enable.
You can also enable multiple catalogs in the list. Select the catalogs, and from the Action menu, choose the option Enable.
Disable the catalog
To disable a catalog, toggle off the option near the catalog.
Alternatively, you can select the check-box near the catalog, click Actions on the upper-right corner, and click Disable.
You can also disable multiple catalogs in the list. Select the catalogs, and from the Action menu, choose the option Disable.
Delete the catalog
To delete a catalog, select a catalog in the list. Either click the Delete button near the catalog or click Actions > Delete.
You can also delete multiple catalogs.
Share the catalog
An Administrator can share the catalogs with internal users of an organization or with any external users. However, sharing is exclusive. In other words, an internally shared catalog cannot be shared with external groups and vice versa.
Courses, Learning programs, Job Aids, and certifications are the supported learning objects in a catalog that you want to share.
Share Catalogs
This training will teach you how to share catalogs with internal user groups and external Adobe Learning Manager accounts.
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Share the catalog internally
Choose a catalog that you want to share internally.
In the left pane, click Share Internally.
If there are no groups present, you must add an internal user group.
To add an internal user group, click Add User Groups.
Share a catalog internally
There is no option available to enable/disable a shared user group. To disable, you have to delete the user group. To delete, hover the mouse over the triple dots and click delete icon. Alternatively, click Actions drop-down at the upper-right corner of the page and click Delete.
Share the catalog externally
In Catalogs page, click the catalog you want to share. In the left panel click Share Externally.
Share a catalog externally
Enter the subdomain associated with your Learning Manager account. Click How to get subdomain? to learn about the subdomain usage. You can also click Branding on the left pane in Administrator home page to view the subdomain associated with your organization account.
Enrollments limit
You can set the limit for number of enrollments per course on the shared catalog by adding the number in Enrollments Allowed field. The receiver of shared catalog cannot use the courses with enrollment limit in learning plans.
You can set the validity of the shared catalog by setting up an expiry date in Expiry field. After the expiry date of shared catalog, enrollments are not allowed for courses. Existing learners can still have access to the content. Learning objects are retired but the badges and skills are active. At this state, the shared catalog receiver cannot un-retire the retired learning objects.
Click Save after adding all the required information. Click Actions drop-down at the upper-right corner of the page and click Share to share the catalog with external accounts.
The catalogs owned by the sharing account holder are only allowed to be shared with external accounts. You cannot share the catalogs that are already shared by other accounts to you.
The Administrator of the external shared account receives a notification in the application and email. The receiver has to click the unique URL provided in the email or click the notification message and accept the shared catalog request. In the application, the receiver can choose to click Accept or Reject. Before accepting the shared catalog, the receiver can view the catalog details such as shared by whom, shared on date, expiry date and so on.
The shared catalog appears in the receiver account. The learning objects associated with the shared catalog appears in the respective Administrator and author roles of the application. You can differentiate the shared catalogs received by you by locating the <-- arrow icon displayed for the catalogs acquired by you.
The learning objects with open/active state for enrollment are only added to shared catalogs.
Unshare catalogs
Unsharing a catalog is to disable an external account in the application. To unshare a catalog, click Actions at the upper-right corner of the page and click Unshare. You can Unshare a catalog anytime. When a catalog is unshared, all the learning objects in that shared catalog moves into retired state. The disabled catalogs appear as retired in receiver’s application.
You can remove an external account from a shared list only before the receiver accepts the request.
Delete catalogs
To delete a shared catalog, click Actions drop-down and click Delete.
- You cannot share a default catalog with external accounts.
- You cannot delete a catalog that has been shared externally by you.
- You cannot delete a catalog which was shared to you from other accounts.