Immersive layout option

To view the layout of an immersive-driven page, enable the option Immersive. You can toggle this option in Branding > General.

In previous versions, the Learner Homepage options was in Settings.

Here are the options that you can set:

Homepage Experience: Enable either Classic or Immersive. If you choose Immersive, the following options appear:

  • Training Type: Choose either Industry or Custom Aligned. Custom trainings are created in-house. Industry-aligned trainings include off-the-shelf content from third-party providers.

Set the home page experience by selecting Industry or Custom Aligned

The option Enable learner to explore Areas of Interest is available to both Classic and Immersive experience.

If you choose Custom...If you choose Industry Aligned...
You can choose at most one Internal and External active field.You can choose at most five and at least one field. By default, the option Profile is selected.

If there are less than 1000 learners, the entire account is considered as a single scope. This is specifically for the Custom Training type. If the account has less than 1000 users, it considers the complete account as its scope.

The check-box Explore skills has been moved to Settings > General.

This will be enabled and grayed out if Immersive experience is chosen. This check-box will be enabled only for Classic experience.

Learner homepage settings

The immersive layout is the default for all new accounts. The layout is controlled by widgets that an Admin can enable or disable. Based on how the widgets are positioned, the same is reflected on the learner homepage.

Here are the widgets that you can enable/disable.

Using this, you can preview the Learner UI before the learner UI goes live.

For existing accounts, the option Immersive will be OFF. It is enabled for new account with Social and Gamification ON.

Preview the learner UI


What is a Masthead and how do I customize the Learners Masthead?

It's a welcome banner for learners. The banner can be an image or a video. You can target the masthead to specific user groups and a learner views the Masthead as soon as he/she lands on the homepage. A User Group may see multiple hero images or videos according to the target plan set by the Admin.

Here's how an Administrator uploads a banner:

  1. On the left panel, click Announcements.
  2. On the upper-right corner of the page, click Add.
  3. From the Type drop-down list, choose As Masthead.
  4. Write a message that will feature in the masthead.
  5. Upload an image or a video.
  6. Choose target audience. Select a user group or training where the masthead will be displayed.
  7. Save the masthead announcement.
My LearningShows the Learning Objects, which are recently visited by the learner.
CalendarDisplays various upcoming Classroom and Virtual Classroom training trainings for the learners by month. Ones that the learner can enroll into or has already been enrolled into are displayed, including manager approved trainings.
Enrollments showing deadlineDisplays enrollments that are overdue, have upcoming deadlines, or are on track.
GamificationDisplays the leaderboard based on learning activities.
Social LearningLists activities and posts by users who are in the same user scope as learner.
Recommended by organization

When enabled, this widget recommends trainings to specific user groups. Each User group can be targeted one or more trainings and the target plan would be based on a time frame.

  • Firstly, the Admin creates an announcement of type As Recommendation and then selects the requisite training and uses groups. A learner belonging to a user group will get to see the recommended training.

  • Secondly, the Admin can also decide if the recommendations kick in immediately or on a specified date.

Browse by catalogDisplays catalogs as tiles on the homepage.

After you save the changes, the learner homepage reflects all the changes.

When the learner signs in to the learner app via a browser, they can see the following immersive layout:

Home page

My Learning List

View catalog

View Immersive layout for various sections on the home page