
First, the author creates and publishes a course in multiple languages, enabling the language options on the instance creation page. The author can then create different instances by selecting a language for each. Learners can choose the instance based on the language mapped to them.

Create a course with multiple languages

Follow these steps to create a course with multiple languages:

  1. Log in as an Author.

  2. Select Courses > Add to create a course.

  3. Type the Name and Description of the course.

  4. Select Add New Language and select the required languages. This will create multiple tabs for each language.

    Add new language - Course

  5. Go to the respective languages tabs and type the Name and Description of the course.

  6. In the English (United States) tab, select Add Module > Virtual Classroom Module.

    The procedure will also be the same for the Classroom Module.

    Add new language for VC module

  7. Type the Title and Description on each language tab and select Add.

  8. Enter the required details for the course and publish the course.

Create instances for each language

You can create the instances for each language from the Admin and Author apps. Follow these steps to create the instances from the Author App:

  1. Log in as an Author.

  2. Select Courses and select the multi-language course.

  3. Select Instances > Add New Instance to create the instances.

  4. Type the Instance Name and select the Completion Deadline.

  5. Select Show More Options to see the other options.

  6. Select the required language from the Language dropdown.

    Select the language for the instance

  7. Enter the other details and select Save.

  8. Create instances for other languages using the same steps. Learners will be able to see all the language instances for this course.