Using xAPI in Learning Manager

Set up your application

  1. Log in as Integration Admin. Select Applications > Register.

  2. Register a new application.

  3. Define the scope for the application.

    • If Admin role xAPI read and write access is enabled, the Admin is able to post and get xAPI statements and documents.
    • If Learner role xAPI read and write access is enabled, the Admin is able to post and get xAPI statements and documents.
  4. Save changes. You get your developer id and secret.

End points:

Click the link below to view the xAPI swagger document:

Note: xAPI version supported in Learning Manager is 1.0.3.

API authentication

Learning Manager xAPI use OAuth 2.0 framework to authenticate and authorize your client applications. Once you register your application, you can get the clientId and clientSecret. Get URL is used in browser as it authenticates the Learning Manager users using their pre-configured accounts such as SSO, Adobe ID.

GET<Enter your clientId>&redirect_uri=<Enter a url to redirect to>&state=<Any String data>&scope=<admin:xapi or learner:xapi>&response_type=CODE.

Tracking xAPI statements as Learning Manager LO

As an Author you can now choose xAPI module while creating courses to monitor user experience outside Learning Manager. For example, you can use this feature to evaluate the activities of users on a third-party platform used for course consumption.

  1. While creating an Activity Module, in the Type option, use the pop-up menu to select xAPI-based Module.

  2. You are requested to provide an IRI. If not provided, Learning Manager generates one automatically.

    IRI for an activity is unique across an account. That means, two modules in Learning Manager cannot have same IRI. A new IRI is generated in the following cases:

    • When a course with xAPI module is shared across accounts.
    • When a certification with xAPI module recurs

    Any xAPI statement with the mentioned IRI is tracked in the above module and are reflected in the Learning Manager reports.

  3. To copy the auto-generated IRI, revisit the Activity Module page.

  4. Publish the Module.

Points to note:

  • Learning Manager currently supports only mbox as an identifier. Other identifiers including mboz_sha1, openid, account are not supported.

  • The stateId and profileId is a UUID when used with Learning Manager.

  • PUT request does not overwrite the document for xAPIs agents/profile, activity/profile, and activity/state

  • Unidentified group is not supported in Actor.

  • The parameter “related_activities” is not supported in GET statement.

  • The parameters ‘format=ids’ & ‘format=canonical’ is not supported in GET statements.

  • Voiding of xAPI statement does not undo any actions that happened in Learning Manager when the statement was posted.