Unzip the attached zip (crypt.zip) to a directory on your server, or on your computer where java is installed.
You can generate a crypt format password that obfuscates the password in the JAAS configuration file (for example, ldap_login.conf).
From the terminal, change the directory to extracted folder. Encrypt the password by running the command below. Replace in command with actual password.
java -cp .:crx-auth-ldap-2.3.15.jar:jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.4.jar:log4j-over-slf4j-1.6.4.jar:slf4j-api-1.6.4.jar:day-commons-text-1.1.8.jar com.day.util.ldap.SymmetricCrypt <password>
Бележка:If you are running command on Windows, replace ":" with ";"
The output of step 2 for actual plain password "pass" is something like the following:
Replace authPw in your JAAS configuration file with authPwEncypted. Then, set the value to the output of the command from step 2. For example:
. . authDn="cn=admin,dc=day,dc=com" authPwEncrypted="{DES}325b83102f6d4aa44f05e6fbd21da6c1" userRoot="ou=users,dc=day,dc=com" . .
Restart server for the change to take effect.
Бележка:It's necessary that either authPw or authPwEncrypted is set. The behavior is undefined when both are set.