How to create bulleted and numbered lists in InDesign | Самоучители за Adobe InDesign
Bulleted and numbered lists let you organize text and improve readability. Learn how to create lists from an existing text block.

Create a bulleted or numbered list

With the Selection tool, select the text frame under Toppings on the recipe card. Type T to select the Type tool. In the Control panel, select Paragraph Formatting Controls and click the Bulleted List or Numbered List button in the Control panel. To remove bullets or numbering, select the text frame and click the same button.

Tip: To display your artwork with the highest resolution, choose View > Display Performance > High Quality.

Adding bullets

Customize the appearance of bullets

Select the same text frame, Type T to select the Type tool, and Alt+click (Windows) or Option+click (Mac OS) the Bulleted List or Numbered List button in the Control panel.

Select Preview to see a live update. Choose List Type > Bullets. Pick a bullet shown in the Bullet Character section below. If you wish to add a special bullet character, such a checkmark from another font, click Add to open the Add Bullets dialog. Choose Font Family > select a font, and choose the character you wish to use as a bullet. If you pick a bullet from a different font, be sure to select Remember Font with Bullet. Click OK. Select the special character you added and click OK to apply it to the text.


You can also access the same dialog from the Paragraph panel by choosing Bullets and Numbering from the Paragraph panel options.

Customize the appearance of bullets
Saving Custom bullets

Customize the appearance of a numbered list

Press Escape to finish editing the Toppings list, then click the text frame under Ingredients. Type T to select the Type tool, then Alt+click (Windows) or Option+click (Mac OS) the Numbered List button in the Control panel. Choose List Type > Numbers, and select a Format under Numbering Style. In the Bullet or Number Position section, choose an Alignment option, and adjust the Left Indent and First Line Indent values to customize spacing between the numbers and the text.

Tip: To create a “hanging indent,” choose Alignment > Left; set Left Indent to a value (such as 1p0), and specify an equal negative value (such as -1p0) for First Line Indent.

Customize the appearance of a numbered list

Try it on your own

Create a numbered list from the text frame below Directions on the recipe card.

Recipe card
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