ExtendScript Toolkit does not open
With macOS 10.14 or previous versions, when you edit a JavaScript using the Scripts panel in InDesign (Window > Utilities > Scripts), the ExtendScript Toolkit is displayed. This toolkit is a 32-bit application. However, with macOS 10.15 (Catalina), which supports only 64-bit applications, the ExtendScript Toolkit does not open.
The ExtendScript Toolkit has been replaced by ExtendScript Debugger 1.1.0.
To edit and debug JavaScripts in macOS 10.15 or higher versions:
- Download and install Visual Studio Code in /Applications folder.
- Install the ExtendScript Extension (ESTK) available under Extensions in the Visual Studio Code application.
Plug-ins not found or cannot be verified
In macOS 10.15, quarantined plug-ins will return one of the following errors:
- InDesign: File not found error
- OS: Plug-in can't be opened because the developer cannot be verified
This happens with plug-ins that are not notarized that are downloaded from the web or installed by other methods such as drag & drop.
- Customers that have plug-ins already installed and then update to macOS 10.15 should not see this issue.
- Customers that upgrade to macOS 10.15 and then try to download and install a plug-in may see failures.
Obtain updated plug-ins from third-party developers that are notarized for macOS 10.15. InDesign will load plug-ins that have been notarized by Apple.
For older plug-ins that are not notarized, customers with Admin user privileges can remove the quarantine flag by using the following command if the plug-in is installed in the InDesign application plug-ins folder:
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Adobe\ Indesign\ 2019/Plug-ins/<plug-in-name>
Determining whether a plug-in is quarantined
Customers can determine whether or not a plug-in is quarantined by using the Terminal.
Example if plug-in is in the Indesign application plug-ins folder:
% ls -l@ /Applications/Adobe\ Indesign\ 2019/Plug-ins/<plug-in-name>/
Note: replace <plug-in-name> with the actual name of the plug-in you need to correct
Which returns the following result:
total 0 drwxr-xr-x@ 6 <username> wheel 192 Sep 26 15:11 Contents com.apple.quarantine 22
"com.apple.quarantine 22" means that the plug-in is quarantined.
For third-party plug-in developers
Development and debugging of third-party plugins are not supported on macOS 10.15 (Catalina). To develop plugins with macOS, you should meet the following system requirements:
- Xcode 9.2
- macOS 10.13 or 10.14