Error "Sequencer defunct" when using video file related functions

The error "Sequencer defunct" appears when performing any of the following

  • Launch Lightroom
  • Switch to the Slideshow module
  • Import a video file
  • Work with a video file
Lightroom Error Sequencer defunct

Solution: Replace the Video Toolkit file

  1. Close Lightroom and update to version 6.3

  2. Navigate to:

    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom\ 
    • Macintosh: /Applications/Adobe Lightroom/Adobe

    NOTE: To view the Contents folder, right-click the Adbe Lightroom application file and choose "Show Package Contents."

  3. Rename the video toolkit file

    • Windows: "video_toolkit.dll" to "video_toolkit.dll.original"
    • Macintosh: "video_toolkit.agtoolkit" to "video_toolkit.agtoolkit.original"
  4. Download the new video toolkit file



  5. Unzip the video toolkit file and copy it to the same folder from Step 2.

  6. Launch Lightroom

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