Create a vector shape on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device from a sketch with Adobe Capture. Then, animate your character with Animate for use in an animatic or an animated movie.

Cartoon illustration of koala bear holding a sword, wearing an orange shirt, jumps above green grass, gray sky background

Copy Alex Fleisig's sketch to your Creative Cloud library

To use Alex's sketch, click the Capture + Animate Library. Click Save to Creative Cloud to copy the asset to your Creative Cloud Library.

Note: You need to be signed in to your Creative Cloud account to save the library.

Browser tab shows Assets with hand-drawn koala sketch in black ink on paper, Save to Creative Cloud is highlighted

Capture a shape

Launch Capture. Select Shapes (1) and tap the + icon. Tap the Capture From icon (2) at the bottom of the screen to browse to your images. Select Creative Cloud (3), tap the down arrow to the right of My Assets (4), to get to My Libraries > Capture + Animate (5).

Select the koala_sketch photo, then tap the blue Open button.

Note: The screenshots and instructions in this tutorial show Capture on an Android phone. The user interface may vary between iPad, iPad Pro, iPhone, and Android devices.

Capture icon, 1. Shapes module, 2. Capture menu, 3. Creative Cloud, 4. My Assets library, 5. Hand-drawn koala sketch

Convert the sketch to a vector shape

Capture transforms Alex’s pencil drawing to a vector shape that maintains its sharpness at any size.

Drag the slider handle left or right, to capture more or less detail in the shape. Tap the Capture button (camera icon) to capture the image and turn it into a vector shape.

If necessary, refine the shape by selecting Remove from Shape or Keep in Shape. Drag your finger over the details you want to remove or keep in the vectorized graphic.

Tap the arrow. Capture converts your shape into a vector. When complete, Capture guides you to the next screen to name and save the koala shape (we named it koala_A, in the Capture + Animate Library).

Capture Slider, koala has green outline, below extra line is marked for removal, vector preview on right and named koala_A

Capture a color theme 

Tap Colors, then tap the + icon.

Point your camera at a colorful scene. Interactive color circles will appear on top of the image. Tap the screen to freeze it so you can move individual color circles to adjust the theme. Tap the Capture button checkmark to capture a theme of 5 colors.

Capture is on Colors module with sketch of koala below; right is picture of dog on orange bedspread, colored dots from image

Save your color theme

Type a name for your color theme. Choose the appropriate Creative Cloud Library, then tap the checkmark to save. You will use this theme in Animate to color your animated koala.

Color palette at top is mix of browns and oranges, published on, checkmark on top right is highlighted

Animate your character

Watch this video to see Joseph Labrecque retrieve the koala and color theme from Creative Cloud Libraries in Animate, and bring the character to life with some fun animation.

25.08.2022 г.

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