Startup Script not found in Adobe Bridge

Learn how to resolve the Startup script not found error encountered in Adobe Bridge.


In Bridge, when you try to use Place > In Photoshop or Tools > Photoshop workflows, the Startup Script not found dialog box appears on the screen.

Startup Scipt not found error dialog box is shown on the screen and OK button is highlighted.
Startup Scipt not found error dialog box

Potential Cause

Users using both the latest version of Photoshop and its Beta version may have uninstalled either of these builds, resulting in the removal of the startup script necessary for proper functionality of Bridge-Photoshop workflows.


  1. Uninstall the Photoshop version that is currently selected in Preferences > Applications.


    If Automatically select the latest installed production version option is selected in Applications preferences, then uninstall the latest Photoshop version.

  2. Reinstall the same Photoshop version. 

  3. Launch Adobe Bridge.

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