- Introducing ColdFusion
Changes in ColdFusion
- Replacement of JRun with Tomcat
- Security enhancements
- ColdFusion WebSocket
- Enhanced Java integration
- ColdFusion ORM search for indexing and search
- Solr enhancements
- Scheduler enhancements
- Integration with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
- RESTful Web Services in ColdFusion
- Lazy loading across client and server in ColdFusion
- Web service enhancements
- Displaying geolocation
- Client-side charting
- Caching enhancements
- Server update using ColdFusion Administrator
- Secure Profile for ColdFusion Administrator
- Introduction to application development
- The CFML programming language
- Building blocks of ColdFusion applications
Develop CFML applications
- Develop CFML applications
- Design and optimize a ColdFusion application
- Handle errors
- Use persistent data and locking
- Use ColdFusion threads
- Secure applications
- Client-side CFML (for mobile development)
- Use the ColdFusion debugger
- Debugging and Troubleshooting Applications
- Develop globalized applications
- REST enhancements in ColdFusion
- Authentication through OAuth
- Social enhancements
- Develop mobile applications
- Access and use data
- ColdFusion ORM
- ColdFusion and HTML5
- Flex and AIR integration in ColdFusion
- Request and present information
- Office file interoperability
- ColdFusion portlets
- Use web elements and external objects
Use external resources
- Send and receive e-mail
- Interact with Microsoft Exchange servers
- Interact with remote servers
- Manage files on the server
- Use event gateways
- Create custom event gateways
- Use the ColdFusion extensions for Eclipse
- Use the data services messaging event gateway
- Use the data management event gateway
- Use the FMS event gateway
- Use the instant messaging event gateways
- Use the SMS event gateway
You can control the appearance of charts by doing any of the following:
- Using the default chart styles included with ColdFusion
- Using the attributes of the cfchart and cfchartseries tags
- Creating your own chart styles
Using the default chart styles included with ColdFusion
ColdFusion supplies the following chart styles:
- beige
- blue
- default
- red
- silver
- yellow
To use any of these styles, specify the style using the style attribute of the cfchart tag. The following example illustrates using the beige style:
<cfchartseries type="pie"> |
You can specify the appearance of charts by using the attributes of the cfchart and cfchartseries tags.
You can optionally specify the following characteristics to the cfchart tag on the types of charts indicated:
Chart characteristic |
Attributes used |
Description |
Chart type |
File type |
format |
Whether to send the chart to the user as a JPEG, PNG, or SWF file. The SWF file is the default format. |
All |
Size |
chartWidth |
The width and height, in pixels, of the chart. This size defines the entire chart area, including the legend and background area around the chart.The default height is 240 pixels; the default width is 320 pixels. |
All |
Color |
foregroundColor |
The colors used for foreground and background objects. The default foreground color is black; the default background colors are white. You can specify 16 color names, use any valid HTML color format, or specify an 8-digit hexadecimal value to specify the RGB value and transparency. If you use numeric format, use double number signs; for example, blue or ##FF33CC. To specify the color and transparency, use the format ##xxFF33CC, where xx indicates the transparency. The value FF indicates opaque; the value 00 indicates transparent. For the complete list of colors, see Configuring and Administering ColdFusion. |
All |
Labels |
font |
The font attribute specifies the font for all text. The default value is Arial. If you are using a double-byte character set on UNIX, or using a double-byte character set in Windows with a file type of Flash, specify ArialUnicodeMs as the font.Note: If a chart attempts to use a font that is not installed on the ColdFusion server, it uses a different font that is available. Also, if you do not specify the font, characters that are not ASCII, such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and so on, can display improperly.The fontSize specifies an Integer font size used for all text. The default value is 11.The fontBold attribute specifies to display all text as bold. The default value is no.The fontItalic attribute specifies to display all text as italic. The default value is no.The labelFormat attribute specifies the format of the y-axis labels, number, currency, percent, or date. The default value is number.The xAxisTitle and yAxisTitle attributes specify the title for each axis. |
All |
Border |
showBorder |
Use the showBorder attribute to draw a border around the chart. The foregroundColor attribute specifies the border color. The default value is no. |
All |
Grid lines |
showXGridlines |
Use the showXGridlines and showYGridlines attributes to display x-axis and y-axis grid lines. The default value no for x-axis gridlines, and yes for y-axis gridlines.The gridLines attribute specifies the total number of grid lines on the value axis, including the axis itself. The value of each grid line appears along the value axis. The cfchart tag displays horizontal grid lines only. The default value is 0, which means no grid lines. |
AreaBarConeCurveCylinderHorizontalbarLinePyramidScatterStep |
Slice style |
pieSliceStyle |
Displays the pie chart as solid or sliced. The default value is sliced. |
Pie |
Markers |
showMarkers |
The showMarkers attribute displays markers at the data points for two-dimensional line, curve, and scatter charts. The default value is yes.The markerSize attribute specifies an integer number of pixels for the marker size. ColdFusion determines the default value. |
All |
Value axis |
scaleFrom |
The minimum and maximum points on the data axis. By default, the minimum is 0 or the lowest negative chart data value, and the maximum is the largest data value.Note: If you specify a scaleFrom or scaleTo attribute that would result in cropping the chart, cfchart uses a value that shows the entire chart without cropping. |
AreaBarConeCurveCylinderHorizontalbarLinePyramidScatterStep |
Axis type |
XAxisType |
Whether the x axis corresponds to a numeric scale or identifies different categories, and how to sort the items on the axis.If the XAxisType attribute value is scale, the x axis is numeric. All cfchartdata item attribute values must be numeric, and the axis is automatically sorted numerically. The scale value lets you create graphs of numeric relationships, such as population against age.If the attribute value is category (the default), the axis indicates the data category. The sortXAxis attribute determines the order of items when you specify the cfchartdata item attribute, whose values are treated as text. By default, the items are displayed in the order in which they are entered in the first chart series. |
AreaBarConeCurveCylinderHorizontalbarLinePyramidScatterStep |
3D appearance |
show3D |
The show3D attribute displays the chart in three dimensions. The default value is no.The xOffset and yOffset attributes specify the amount by which to rotate the chart on a horizontal axis (xOffset) or vertical axis (yOffset). The value 0 is flat (no rotation), -1 and 1 are for a full 90 degree rotation left.(-1) or right (1). The default value is 0.1{{}} |
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Multiple series |
showLegendseriesPlacement |
The showLegend attribute lets you display the chart legend when the chart contains more than one series of data. The default value is Yes.The seriesPlacement attribute specifies the location of each series relative to the others. By default, ColdFusion determines the best placement based on the graph type of each series. |
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Tips |
tipStyle |
The tipStyle attribute lets you display a small pop-up window that shows information about the chart element pointed to by the mouse pointer. Options are none, mousedown, or mouseover. The default value is mouseover.The tipBGColor attribute specifies the background color of the tip window for Flash format only. The default value is white. |
All |
You can also use the cfchartseries tag to specify attributes of chart appearance. The following table describes these attributes:
Chart characteristic |
Attributes used |
Description |
Chart type |
Multiple series |
seriesLabel |
The seriesLabel attribute specifies the text that displays for the series label.The seriesColor attribute specifies a single color of the bar, line, pyramid, and so on. For pie charts, the color is that of the first slice. Subsequent slices are automatically colored based on the specified initial color, or use the colorList attribute. |
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Paint |
paintStyle |
Specifies the way color is applied to a data series. You can specify solid color, raised button, linear gradient fill with a light center and darker outer edge, and gradient fill on lighter version of color. The default value is solid. |
All |
Data point colors |
colorList |
A comma-separated list of colors to use for each data point for bar, pyramid, area, horizontalbar, cone, cylinder, step, and pie charts.You can specify 16 color names, use any valid HTML color format, or specify an 8-digit hexadecimal value to specify the RGB value and transparency. If you use numeric format, use double number signs; for example, blue or ##FF33CC. To specify the color and transparency, use the format ##xxFF33CC, where xx indicates the transparency. The value FF indicates opaque; the value 00 indicates transparent. For the complete list of colors, see Configuring and Administering ColdFusion.If you specify fewer colors than data points, the colors repeat. If you specify more colors than data points, the extra colors are not used. |
Pie |
Data markers |
markerStyle |
Specifies the shape used to mark the data point. Shapes include circle, diamond, letterx, mcross, rcross, rectangle, snow, and triangle. Supported for two-dimensional charts. The default value is rectangle. |
CurveLineScatter |
Labels |
dataLabelStyle |
Specifies the way in which the color is applied to the item in the series Styles include None, Value, Rowlabel, Columnlabel, and Pattern. |
All |
Creating your own chart styles
You can create your own chart styles by doing either of the following:
- Modifying the chart style using the JSON file. For more information, view cfcharts.
- Using WebCharts3D to create chart styles
The following table lists the attributes of the cfchart and cfchartseries tags and the associated WebCharts3D commands:
Attribute |
WebCharts3D command |
chartHeight |
Drag the chart by handles. |
chartWidth |
Drag the chart by handles. |
dataBackgroundColor |
Background: minColor (type must be PlainColor) |
font |
font: Family (specify only supported fonts) |
fontBold |
font: check Bold |
fontItalic |
font: check Italic |
fontSize |
font: Size |
foregroundColor |
foreground |
gridlines |
X-axis: labelcount |
labelFormat |
Y-axis: LabelFormat: Number | Percent | Currency | Datetime |
markerSize |
Elements: markerSize |
pieSliceStyle |
style: solid | slice |
rotated |
Type Frame chart: Elements: Shape: |
scaleFrom |
Yaxis: isAbsolute; scaleMin(int) |
scaleTo |
Yaxis: isAbsolute; scaleMax(int) |
seriesPlacement |
Elements: place |
show3D |
is3D |
showBorder |
Decoration: style (none or simple)? |
showLegend |
Legend: isVisible |
showMarkers |
Elements: showMarkers |
showXGridlines |
Frame: isVGridVisible |
showYGridlines |
Frame: isHGridVisible |
tipbgColor |
Popup: background |
tipStyle |
Popup: show on MouseOver | show on MouseDown | Disabled |
url |
Elements: action Series: action |
xAxisTitle |
X-axis: TitleStyle: text (enter text) |
xAxisType |
X-axis: type: (category or scale) |
xOffset |
Frame: xDepth |
yAxisTitle |
Y-axis: TitleStyle: text (enter text) |
yAxisType |
Currently has no effect. |
yOffset |
Frame: yDepth |
The following table lists the attributes of the cfchartseries tag and the associated WebCharts3D commands:
Attribute |
WebCharts3D command |
colorlist |
Elements: series: Paint: color |
markerStyle |
Elements: series: Marker type: Rectangle | Triangle | Diamond | Circle | Letter | MCROSS | Snow | RCROSS |
paintStyle |
Paint: paint: Plain | Shade | Light |
seriesColor |
Elements: series: Paint: color |
seriesLabel |
Elements: series: |
type |
Type: Pie chart Type Frame chart: Elements: Shape: Bar | Line | Pyramid | Area | Curve | Step | Scatter | Cone | Cylinder | Horizontalbar