Feature summary | Adobe Fresco (May 2022 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the May 2022 release of Fresco (version 3.6).

Make magical selections with the Magic Wand tool

The Magic Wand tool in Fresco is a selection tool that helps you select areas of similar color and tone automatically.

Quickly isolate and select the background around the Kingfisher bird with the Magic Wand tool.
Quickly isolate and select the background around the Kingfisher bird with the Magic Wand tool.

To learn more about making magical selections, see Magic Wand tool.

Touch up your designs with the Liquify tool

The Liquify tool in Fresco can be used to make minor adjustments or transform your designs. It can also be used to push and pull the pixels of an object without losing quality.

Transform the girl's appearance or the background with the Liquify tool.
Transform the girl's appearance or the background with the Liquify tool.

To learn more about touching up your designs, see Liquify tool.

Control opacity for motion frames

With control opacity for motion frames, you can now adjust the opacity of each motion frame individually and control the fade-in and fade-out effects easily.

To learn more about controlling opacity for motion frames, see Apply motion to artwork.

Transform motion paths and frames

Move or resize any motion layers, associated motion content, and motion frames or paths in Fresco with the Transform tool.

To learn more about transforming previously created motion paths and frames, see Apply motion to artwork.

Talk to us

If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, we would love to hear from you. Share your thoughts with the Adobe Fresco Community.

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