Enabling RDBMK on AEM 6.1 Forms FP1 with WebSphere 8.5.5 and Oracle 12c will fill the SystemOut.log with the following entries:
[10/12/15 12:41:48:459 GMT] 000000d4 InternalOracl I DSRA8207I: Method setReadOnly(false) is ignored. No Oracle transaction will be started.
This issue is related to an IBM bug as described on this link. While this warnings present no functional impact, the SystemOut.log will be populated by this message.
As a workaround, you can configure your WebSphere instance to ignore this message by following the steps below:
1. Log on WebSphere Administrative Console.
2. Under Troubleshooting, click on Logs and trace.
3. Select the instance running AEM Forms.
4. Click Change log detail levels.
5. Under Change log detail levels, add the category "com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.*=off":