Assign the skill to learners
Administrators can assign the skills to learners.
After you create your skills and save them, they get listed in the skills page. Now, you can start assigning these skills to learners as follows:
On the Skill page, click the hyperlink with the number of learners enrolled to the skill. For a newly created skill, the number of learners for all levels are zero.
View learners assigned to a skill
For this example, add learners for Level 1. Click the hyperlink adjacent to Level 1.
On the Learners dialog, click Add Learners.
Add learners
Search for learners and add the learners. You can also add user groups.
Search and add learners
To save the changes, click Save.
After you assign the learners, all learners in a user group, if any, are auto-enrolled to the skill, by default. You can make the learners opt out of auto-enrollment by clicking the Auto Enroll button.
Disable auto-enrollment
Individual learners can auto-enroll themselves or can be enrolled by the Administrator in a Learning Program.
After you click Close, you can see the total number of learners who have been assigned to the skill that you had created.
In this example, there are two individual learners and three learners in a user group.
Number of learners assigned to a skill
Assign the skill to a course
Once you create the skill, an author can create a course, and assign the skill to the course.
Assign skills to a course
After the author publishes the course, on the Skill page, you can see the count of the courses associated with a skill level, which is incremented when you assign the skill to a new course.
Number of the courses associated with a skill level
Assign a job aid to the skill
Job aids are training content that a learner can access without enrolling in any specific learning object like a Course or Learning Program.
While creating a job aid, an author can associate a skill level with it. Creating a job aid with no skill and associating it to a course with a skill does not link the skill to the job aid.
Create a Job Aid
On the Skill page, you can see the number of job aids associated with that skill level.
Number of Job Aids of a skill
Search a skill
Search for any skill by typing the name of the skill and choosing the skill from the options present. Type-ahead search is also applicable here.
You can search for skills in both the Active and Retired sections of the Skills page.
Edit a skill
On the Skill page, click the skill that you want to modify. In the Edit Skill dialog, make the required changes, for example,
- Adding or deleting a skill domain.
- Editing the name and description of the skill.
- Adding a skill level or modifying an existing level.
- Adding or deleting a badge for a skill.
After you have made the changes, click Save.
Retire a skill
To retire a skill, on the Skill page, select the skill that you want to retire.
From the Actions menu, on the upper-right corner of the page, click Retire.
When you retire a skill, the skill no longer appears on the course.
When a skill is retired, it cannot be associated with any more courses or job aids or assigned to learners until it is republished. The existing associations and assignments are not affected by retirement of the skill.
Republish a skill
Once you have retired a skill, the retired skill appears in the Retired tab. The tab displays the list of all skills that are retired.
To republish a retired skill, choose the skill, and from the Actions menu, click Republish.
This restores the skill and you can see the skill again in the Active tab.
Delete a skill
You can only delete a skill that has been previously retired.
In the Retired tab, select the skill that you want to delete, and from the Actions menu, click Delete.
You can delete a skill only when it is not associated with any learners, courses, or job aids.
Assign skills to instructors
Add a CSV file that consists of the skills of instructors. These skills are then added to the list of skills.
On the upper-right corner of the screen, select Add > Assign skills to instructor.
Upload a csv. The columns in the CSV are:
- Skill Name
- Skill Level
- Instructor Email or Instructor UUID
For UUID-enabled accounts, replace the Instructor Email column with Instructor UUID.
Click Save.
Add instructor skills from a CSV
You’ll see a confirmation pop-up message.
Note: The following error message pops up if the CSV has incorrect fields.
Error message for incorrect fields