You can indent the text and numbers in your letter using the Tab key. For example, you can use the Tab key to align multiple columns of text in a list into a tabular format:
Following is more information on getting this functionality to work:
- This functionality is supported only on Chrome and Mozilla Firefox 53.0 and later.
- To support this functionality in modules created before applying Quick Fix 3.2.60 in AEM 6.2 Forms, you need to edit the text modules, remove old tab spacing, insert new tab spacing, and save the modules.
- Instead of having to reinsert the tabs, to retain your tab spaces as you applied before the application of Quick Fix 3.2.60 in AEM 6.2 Forms, on http://[server]:[port]/system/console/configMgr go to Correspondence Management Settings > Compatibility Options and add retainExtraTabSpaces:true.
- It is recommended that you preview the letter PDF before finalizing the content, as the following changes in the tab spaced text may result in different tab spacing in PDF and HTML renditions:
- Applying verdana font
- Changing character spacing
- Changing line spacing
- Changing of Bold / Italics / Underline
- Para alignment, such as left or right alignment