Report quiz results to an internal server

If you do not want to use a Learning Management System (LMS) for tracking the quiz scores, Adobe Captivate provides you with alternate reporting options. You can choose an internal web server as your reporting server.

After the user submits the quiz result, Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer, an AIR-based desktop application, lets you analyze the assessment report in online and offline modes.

Reporting workflow

  1. You create a quiz and set an internal server as the reporting server preference.

  2. A learner completes the quiz and submits the result to the reporting server.

  3. You access the report from the server, view, generate, and publish using Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer.

  4. You save the report locally so that it can be analyzed in offline mode.

After you set the reporting preference, the process happens in the background and usually requires no user intervention.

Setting the reporting preferences

  1. Select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Adobe Captivate > Preferences (Mac).

  2. Select Reporting from the Quiz menu in the Preferences dialog box.

  3. Check Enable reporting for this project.

  4. Select Internal Server from the LMS drop-down list.

    Captivate internal server reporting

  5. To configure the internal server for reporting, click Configure.

    Captivate internal server settings

    In the Server field, you can enter an IP address or a well-defined URL. To capture the results, the server should support PHP or ASP. It could be an internal server (WAMP/IIS) or external (any webserver that supports PHP).

  6. Copy the files InternalServerReporting.php and internalserverread.php to your web server. 

    The sample files  InternalServerReporting.php and internalserverread.php are available inside the Templates/Publish in the Captivate installation directory.

    Provide the following server settings:

    Internal Server: Specify the path to the web server as provided in the following example:

    http:\\<ip address>\internalServerReporting.php

    The internal server can be a web server of your preference.

    You can either use it or create your own server-side file, for example, a PHP or ASP to write files to the server. Ensure that the server allows writing to files.

  7. Enter the details of the institution that conducts the assessment, department, and course.

Setting the Captivate Quiz Result Analyzer preferences

  1. Launch Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer.

  2. Click Options > Preferences

    Options > Preferences

  3. To add the server, click Add.

    Add server

  4. Enter the location of the internalserverread.php file on the server in the format http://<ip address or server name or localhost>/internalserverread.php.

  5. Click OK.

Submitting the results

  1. After the users complete the quiz, they reach the results slide and then click Post Result.

  2. At prompt, the users specify the names and e-mail addresses, and then click Send.


    Then name and e-mail address are not verified.

  3. You can view the quiz results in the folder CaptivateResults in the same location as the internalServerReporting.php file in the  webserver .

Viewing the results

  1. Use Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer for viewing and downloading the results.
  2. In Source, select the Internal Server Name > Click Get Results > Generate Reports.

Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer and Offline reporting

Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer is an AIR-based desktop application that allows you to analyze quiz results that are posted to the internal server.

Use this tool to:

  • View results and generate reports

  • Save results to a local folder so that they can be viewed in offline mode

  • Customize your reports to display or hide the report columns

  • Print reports

  • Generate dynamic charts that visually present the results as line charts and bar charts making results easy to compare. You can also export the reports as CSV.


To use Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer, you do not require Adobe Captivate installed on your machine.

Installing Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer

When you install the latest version of Captivate, the Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer also gets installed.

Using the Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer

Launch the Analyzer and specify the source. The source can be Internal server, or (if you have downloaded the results) From this computer.

The internal server option appears only if you have added the servers in the preferences of the AIR application. To do this, click Options > Preferences and then click Add.


On the internal server, the results are stored in the folder CaptivateResults.

To download the results to the local computer, click the Download To Disk icon. The results are stored in the folder CaptivateResults-<source name>.

