ID |
Area |
Bug Description |
82830 |
ColdFusion Administrator |
In ColdFusion 9 Multiserver configuration, when you click the website icon (ColdFusion Administrator > Enterprise Manager > Instance Manager),%20 gets added to the URL. |
79546 |
AIR Integration |
The SessionToken class is not dynamic and therefore, is not consistent with AsyncToken usage. |
79663 |
AIR Integration |
The AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary-key generation. |
81369 |
AIR Integration |
For the ActionScript ORM, ArrayCollections are not supported in the value objects on the ActionScript side. |
81610 |
AIR Integration |
The method saveUpdateCache does not save the data for all joined entities. |
81741 |
AIR Integration |
No self-join support for one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships in the ActionScript ORM. |
82706 |
AJAX Plumbing |
When you use serializeJSON or deserializeJSON, data type conversion occurs automatically. For example, 000001 is converted to numeric 1. |
81724 |
AJAX Plumbing |
Incorrect handling of circular references in Ajax when serializing ORM entities. |
74140 |
Ajax Plumbing |
Strings that are all numbers are converted to floating point numbers in serializeJSON. |
80375 |
Ajax Plumbing |
When JSON is set as the returnformat, ColdFusion returns an error. |
79664 |
Ajax Plumbing |
cfajaxproxy works only if the component is inside the web root. |
80214 |
Ajax Plumbing |
If there is no function in a CFC, using Ajax proxy results in an error. |
80193 |
Ajax Plumbing |
When you use serializeJSON to serialize an integer, it gets serialized to a double, for example, 123 is serialized to 123.0. |
70596 |
AJAX UI Components |
Using the tags cfdiv and cfchart breaks the cfchart tool tips. |
82529 |
AJAX UI Components |
In the Internet Explorer, clicking refresh button in the grid or browser results in memory issues. |
82549 |
AJAX UI Components |
You cannot use the attribute range for HTML sliders. |
82998 |
AJAX UI Components |
Apostrophe in the name attribute of cfmapitem prevents the display of map. |
79423 |
AJAX UI Components |
The attribute mask for date column does not work as intended. |
80976 |
AJAX UI Components |
Check boxes in the last row of HTML editable grid (except for the right-most check box) are not clickable in the Internet Explorer 8. |
81874 |
AJAX UI Components |
Cannot pass two or more URL variables to the action page using the tag cffileupload. |
81878 |
AJAX UI Components |
If you set select=false for a boolean column, literal values are displayed instead of check boxes. |
82079 |
AJAX UI Components |
Sorting in HTML cfgrids is case-sensitive. |
82140 |
AJAX UI Components |
Map, if inside a div (with display set to none) or collapsible panel, is not displayed. |
82231 |
AJAX UI Components |
Font color of page bleeds through the header of editable boolean columns. Also, on mouse-over, the header menu does not appear and the background color does not change. |
82349 |
AJAX UI Components |
When using cffileupload, CFID/CFTOKEN sent in the request URL is not honored. |
82350 |
AJAX UI Components |
The attribute url of cffileupload does not default to cgi.script_name. |
82396 |
AJAX UI Components |
If more than one cffileupload control uses an onComplete handler, then the onComplete handler of the last control is always called. |
82407 |
AJAX UI Components |
Using a URL bind for the attribute markerbind, without prefixing results in an exception. |
81568 |
Ajax UI Components |
FLV MIME type is not registered by default in the IIS web server. Therefore, cfmediaplayer might not work. |
81580 |
Ajax UI Components |
In cfmediaplayer, hidetitle="true/false" has no effect on Internet Explorer. |
82145 |
Ajax UI Components |
Option to set initial state of cfmap to collapsed is not supported. |
79960 |
Ajax UI Components |
ColdFusion.navigate does not work with cflayoutarea tag when you use the syntax ColdFusion.navigate (url,container). |
80506 |
Ajax UI Components |
Windows created using cfwindow are not centered. |
80524 |
Ajax UI Components |
Accessing Flash charts using the source attribute (for example, using cfpod) results in JavaScript error. |
80764 |
Ajax UI Components |
HTML grid does not underline the correct column if the first column is a boolean checkbox. |
82760 |
Ajax UI Components |
For tab layouts, if the first tab has initHide set to true, a JavaScript error getActiveTab() is null or not an object occurs. |
82052 |
Ajax OEM |
FCK editor does not work on Firefox 3.6.x due to year 2010 bug. |
82157 |
Ajax OEM |
The function ColdFusion.FileUpload.getSelectedFiles does not indicate whether the files were uploaded. |
79659 |
Array |
An error occurs when you use ArrayIsEmpty on an empty array. |
81903 |
Authentication |
When a user logs in using the tags cflogin or cfloginuser from a new session and if the same user already exists in another session, the user is associated with the new session. This prevents the code within the tag cflogin to execute. |
80894 |
Caching Enhancements |
In cfcache, using wildcards for the attribute expireurl is not rightly honored. |
82163 |
Caching Enhancements |
The attribute throwOnError of the function cacheRemove absorbs empty string errors. |
82831 |
cfany |
File size increases substantially if the tag cfpdf with watermark is used for a watermark image. |
82819 |
Passing arguments.missingMethodArguments to a remote web service in onMissingMethod causes a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException “argument type mismatch error”. |
80210 |
If you use Query.cfc and your query contains both single quotes and a bound parameter, the query does not work. |
82247 |
On a non-Windows platform where the application server is configured with an external web server, getMetaData (cfc) displays name and fullname properties inconsistently. |
81014 |
cfdbinfo |
For cfdbinfo, specifying no (followed by a space) for the is_nullable column results in an error. |
79901 |
cfdocument |
The tag cfdocument generates hyperlink twice while using <a href>, toward the end of the line. |
82354 |
cfdocument |
If the font is not installed on the system but only added to the Font Management page of ColdFusion Administrator, and if fontembed is set to true in cfdocument, then the font does not correctly render. |
80451 |
cfdump |
When using mixins, neither cfdump nor getmetadata show the mixin methods. |
80579 |
cfdump |
When you dump a structure or array with multiple CFCs, methods from the first CFC leaks into the second CFC. |
81819 |
cfdump |
If you cfdump and output to a file, the CSS from cfdump is returned to the page. |
82060 |
cfdump |
Sorting required for functions of entity CFCs in cfdump. |
82988 |
cfexchange |
An email message in a specific format causes NullPointerException when retrieved using cfexchangemail action="get". |
83376 |
cffeed |
For certain configurations, server fails to respond if you use the tag cffeed and specify a URL that requires authentication. Also, you cannot terminate the request. |
81584 |
cfform (Flash) |
Flash forms created using cfform format="flash" do not render correctly in Google Chrome. |
80682 |
cfform (Standard, XML) |
If required is set to true for cfselect, then no alert is displayed if the default value provided is empty. |
82843 |
cfimage |
Manipulating an image that either uses an unconventional extension or does not use an extension results in an error. |
80230 |
cfimage |
Using cfimage with a .NET web service (to return an image to cfimage) results in an error. |
79685 |
cfimage |
On Snow Leopard, cfimage does not support TIFF images for READ and WRITE operations. |
80562 |
cfimage |
When the function ImageSharpen is used in ColdFusion 8 and ColdFusion 9, a black border appears around the image. |
81656 |
cfimage |
Saving a .jpg file as .tiff file (or vice-versa), results in metadata exception. |
82250 |
cfmail |
If the attribute subject of the tag cfmail contains a New Line, Return or Enter character, then the resulting email will have the subject text up to the point of the New Line character. The remaining portion of the subject text comes as the body of the email. |
80232 |
CFML Functions (General) |
Script implementation of cffile does not support upload functions. |
79615 |
CFML Functions (General) |
The function getFunctionList does not list getFunctionCalledName. |
80235 |
CFML Tag (General) |
Using the tag cfstoredproc without datasource attribute results in an error. |
80519 |
CFML Tag (General) |
Specifying datasource attribute while using the cfapplication tag results in an error. |
81826 |
cfpdf |
If PDFs are created using the Convert Page to PDF plug-in available with Internet Explorer, then the images extracted using extractImage action of cfpdf tag are rotated by 180 degrees. |
82068 |
cfpdf |
cfpdf action="thumbnail" does not retain text watermarks in the generated thumbnail image. |
80706 |
cfpdf |
Using cfpdf action=”optimize” with nometadata set to true, produces PDF of larger size than the original. |
82077 |
cfpdf |
Blank or distorted pages are created when the rotation attribute is used with the PDFs created by cfdocument and OpenOffice 3. |
81982 |
cfpdfform |
When pdfform is embedded in a PDF using cfdocument, NullPointerException occurs if the user does not provide cfdocumentsection before the cfpdfform tag. |
79382 |
cfquery |
In the case of nested queries, the containing query’s datasource changes to the datasource of the nested query. |
80384 |
cfquery |
cfquery does not return a named query variable in certain instances. For example, a query that includes a LEFT JOIN and GROUP BY & HAVING COUNT with no data in the LEFT JOIN result set. |
81153 |
cfquery |
If you run an SQL query using the tag cfquery and if the results are empty, it fails to set the variable to the empty query object, especially when using a CONTAINS statement with double-quotes in the value. |
82073 |
cfquery |
cfquery type="query" (Query of Query) scans the first 50 rows of each column of the parent query to determine the datatype before it runs the child query cfquery type="query" (Query of Query). An error occurs if the parent query has more than 50 rows of data and one of its columns has the first 50 rows null. |
82517 |
CFScript |
Nested implicit structs ignore numeric keys, for example, {z={"1" = 2}} has z with no keys. |
80231 |
CFScript |
Passing an implicit struct as default value of an argument in function declaration does not work. |
80679 |
CFScript |
CFScript does not support looping using for-in construct for an array. |
81407 |
CFScript |
When using pdf.cfc, the attribute name is required, but is not honored. |
81910 |
CFScript |
Cannot add custom metadata to function arguments for CFScript-based components. |
80191 |
CFScript |
If you use a named param twice, then an error occurs when you execute the query. |
81648 |
CFScript |
query.cfc fails to find the parameter that comes last in multi-line insert if the parameter is followed by a space. |
80153 |
cfthread |
cfthread within a loop inside cffunction breaks local scope. |
80469 |
cfzip |
A list action on cfzip with showdirectory set to true and recurse set to false does not show any directories in the root. |
80039 |
ColdFusion Administrator |
Archiving of log files fail. |
81413 |
ColdFusion Administrator |
Calling the AdminAPI's Administrator.cfc from a remote web service results in an error. |
81715 |
ColdFusion Administrator |
ColdFusion Administrator has a Disable button for log files that is not "service" based and it does nothing. |
81731 |
ColdFusion Administrator |
ColdFusion, at the administration level, limits the maximum number of cached queries. |
82214 |
ColdFusion Administrator |
Using the Administrator API, it is not possible to delete a single file or a list of files from the trusted cache when the file does not exist physically in the same location. |
82246 |
ColdFusion Administrator |
When you edit a DSN, you are prompted to relogin if your session has expired. After a successful login, when the edit page for the DSN appears, the name of the DSN is changed. For example, if the name of the DSN is XXX, it is changed to XXX?targeted=true. |
82343 |
ColdFusion Administrator |
After registering a custom font in the ColdFusion Administrator, if the font file is renamed, deleted, or moved, the Font Management page reports the error ‘Variable FONTFAMILY is undefined’. |
80412 |
AJAX UI Components |
On ColdFusion J2EE installation with JBoss, if the tag cfmap is used, map does not get rendered. |
80609 |
ColdFusion Components |
In certain specific scenarios, Unscoped variable is picked up from different scope in ColdFusion. |
80504 |
ColdFusion Components |
In certain scenarios, for example when you use CreditCard as the component name, implicit setter wrongly validates the property type. |
79577 |
ColdFusion Components |
onMissingMethod is not being invoked for CFC calls over HTTP. |
79584 |
ColdFusion Interfaces |
If a concrete class uses automatic getters/setters by way of cfproperty/property and that class is implementing an interface that specifies a get and set for that property, it throws an exception. |
79924 |
Database– JDBC |
Datasource username and password cannot be specified in Application.cfc or ormsettings. |
80898 |
Database– JDBC |
Apache Derby needs to be upgraded from version 10.4.2 to version 10.5.3 . |
66761 |
Database- JDBC |
ColdFusion hangs for a while when you do an SQL update with Redbrick database using cfquery and throws timeout error with cfoutput. |
80872 |
Database- JDBC |
ColdFusion 9 does not support the four part naming conventions available with Microsoft SQL. |
80924 |
Database- JDBC |
An “Unsupported data conversion” exception occurs when comparing timestamp values in Microsoft SQL server. |
80781 |
Database- ODBC |
An error occurs when you use an SQL parameter in an SQL function as the name of the parameter is suffixed with ‘)’. |
82536 |
Flash Integration |
Passing a Flex object to ColdFusion with some properties set to null results in the conversion of properties to [empty string]. |
79998 |
Flex2 Integration |
Over Flash Remoting, the result of entityToQuery fails. |
82053 |
passive="true" is not added for all FTP actions even if a connection is cached. |
82721 |
Function |
The function isDefined on null value in a struct returns true . |
82039 |
Function |
The function HTMLEditFormat does not escape ampersands when they are a part of certain entities. |
82194 |
Function |
The function ListToArray ignores whitespaces. |
79365 |
Server- General |
ColdFusion randomly leaves behind the thread "ColdFusionReport subreport filler". |
80386 |
Server- General |
Using the tag cfftp to securely connect to a remote SFTP server results in an invalid data message. |
83054 |
Server- General |
Struct key set to an array in ternary operator throws IllegalStateException. |
82732 |
Language Enhancements |
In CFScript, if the "else" part of an if-else construct has only one statement, then implicit struct/array assignments are ignored. |
80429 |
Language Enhancements |
In script style function declaration, function parameter types do not accept dot-delimited CFC type. |
80610 |
Language Enhancements |
Using the ternary operator in the default attribute of a cfargument does not work. |
80621 |
Language Enhancements |
When local is assigned to a function invocation that returns a struct, it is ignored. |
81658 |
Language Enhancements |
When you use certain struct keys, they map to different key values. That is, certain unique key values behave as if they are not unique. |
82806 |
Language Enhancements |
StructDelete is case-sensitive if used on the request scope. |
82106 |
Language Enhancements |
XML element nodes that start with an underscore (_) return an empty string when accessed using dot-notation instead of the element. |
81108 |
Language Enhancements |
The function structClear used to clear Request variable does not work correctly. |
79481 |
Language Enhancements |
The function structDelete is case-sensitive. |
80335 |
Language Enhancements |
Passing inline structures as named function arguments against UDFs and CFCs is broken. |
81481 |
Language Enhancements |
If the attribute Result in cffile is in local scope, it results in an array with one null element. |
82723 |
Language Enhancements |
Using structClear(cookie) results in an error. |
82768 |
Language Enhancements |
Issue with implicit struct notation when looping over queries as shown here: <cfoutput query="art">calling foo with #artid# = #foo({id=art.artid[currentrow]})#<br/></cfoutput> |
81966 |
MessageGateway |
No support for allowSend and allowSubscribe calls on the messaging gateway CFC. |
80509 |
Migration |
ColdFusion 9 Standard edition upgrade from ColdFusion 8 Standard edition fails during Import Settings. |
80036 |
Migration |
Deploying the .car file produces duplicate entries in custom tag paths. |
79977 |
Migration |
When a .car file is created and deployed on ColdFusion 9 and if it has maxpooledstatements set as 100, the following error is displayed in the logs: "Error occurred while updating the datasource: <datasource_name>" For input string ""100.0"". |
79906 |
MSOffice Integration |
SpreadSheet format functions are not able to format a cell with text format so that (variable length) leading zeros are preserved. |
80560 |
MSOffice Integration |
While reading spreadsheet as query, if a cell contains string with comma (,), it is wrapped with double quotes in the output. |
72740 |
MSOffice Integration |
When specifying the headerrow attribute in cfspreadsheet, the column names are retrieved from the header row, but they are also included in the first row of the query. |
82123 |
MSOffice Integration |
If a SpreadSheet variable is defined as var, it fails without providing an error message. |
81853 |
MSOffice Integration |
When spreadheet format functions are used for an MS Excel spreadsheet with large amount of data, an error occurs when you try to open the file. |
79552 |
Open Office Integration |
Inconsistency in the file extension of the default document for HTML content generated using cfpresentation. Main document for HTML content generated by cfpresentation is index.html whereas the main document generated for Connect (that is, Flash) is index.htm. |
79531 |
ORM Integration |
No error message is displayed if non-existent file is input to SQL script. |
79756 |
ORM Integration |
When you set dbcreate to dropcreate and create a new CFC, the first time you load the application, you get a message specifying that the table for the CFC does not exist. |
79655 |
ORM Integration |
The orderby attribute does not work in one-to-many mapping. |
80357 |
ORM Integration |
If dbcreate is set to dropcreate, ORM does not honor changes to property attributes if the property name is not changed. The table is not fully dropped and the attributes before the drop remain. |
80265 |
ORM Integration |
If the component that implements the cfide.orm.INamingStrategy interface does not implement the interface correctly, it results in a misleading error. |
80876 |
ORM Integration |
The function getMetadata(myBean) does not generate access attribute metadata for getters and settters generated using the tag cfproperty. This makes introspection of CFCs difficult because, the auto-generated getters/setters do not form a well-formed function metadata. |
80859 |
ORM Integration |
ORM session closes prematurely when you use DataManagement event gateway. |
81013 |
ORM Integration |
If there is a relation and the related CFC has inheritance using table per hierarchy and if the related object is persisted as a result of cascade, then instead of saving child object's complete data, only the super class data is persisted and the discriminator value goes as the super class entity name. |
81941 |
ORM Integration |
Setting variables in the preInsert or preUpdate functions of event handling often requires JavaCast. |
82036 |
ORM Integration |
By default, ColdFusion ignores all the CFCs with errors. |
82360 |
ORM Integration |
In certain cases, trying to load an entity from a remote method call (Ajax or Flex) results in an error specifying that event handler cannot be accessed remotely. |
82608 |
ORM Integration |
When a transaction is committed and the only operation done in the transaction was a modification of some object in the Hibernate session without any direct operation on the session, session fails to flush. |
82807 |
ORM Integration |
If you use ORM for Flex client, with the attribute lazy set to true in the tag cfproperty, then the database connections are not returned to the pool. |
80798 |
PerAppSettings |
The function onRequestEnd fails to execute when the tags cfabort or cflocation is used. |
82333 |
Portlet Integration |
Configuring WSRP Portlets on ColdFusion 9 Standard edition results in an error. |
82178 |
Query-of-Query (IMQ) |
Using a column name when using query-of-queries on a query returned from the function entityToQuery (which has an extra column added using the function queryAddColumn) results in an error. |
82572 |
Scheduler |
When upgrading from ColdFusion 8 Enterprise edition to ColdFusion 9 Enterprise edition, all scheduled tasks run. Also, migration does not remove any of the ColdFusion 8 libraries or services. |
79435 |
Scheduler |
Multiple task execution occurs in a day despite scheduling the task to run once daily. |
82425 |
Scope |
Any variable name appears to be defined and paramed with a blank value in the CGI scope |
82026 |
Security |
Access to ColdFusion data source passwords is available through the Service Factory. |
73878 |
Security |
Session ID cookies such as JSESSIONID are not marked as httpOnly, thereby increasing vulnerability on Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. Note the following: |
79691 |
Security |
While cfcookie supports an httpOnly attribute to send HttpOnly cookies to the browser, the default cookies that ColdFusion sends (for example, the session cookie with CFIF/CFTOKEN/jsessionid) are not HttpOnly. |
81907 |
Security |
Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability in /CFIDE/wizards/common/_logintowizard.cfm on Form variable rdsUserID. |
80717 |
Server-side Scripting Language |
You cannot have a function named default in script style declaration. |
82560 |
Server Monitoring |
There is no option to set Server Monitor Max threshold above 2GIG. |
82980 |
Services Layer |
In the case of ColdFusion as a Service, if debugging is enabled, web services return JSON/XML data with debugging at the bottom of the response. This breaks JSON/XML parsing of ColdFusion as a service if you are calling it by way of a REST API. |
81971 |
Services Layer |
cfmailparam does not support the attribute contentId. |
80536 |
Session Management |
Session variables are not preserved when the cookie is set with a CFID or CFTOKEN = blank. |
80501 |
SessionManagement |
In a multi-instance sticky session-enabled JRun cluster, J2EE sessions are not maintained if the client browser has an existing session cookie that contains "JSESSIONID" in its name. |
81187 |
SessionManagement |
When you use the httponly flag in cfcookie on a ColdFusion 9 web application deployed on Tomcat 6, the cookie statement is improperly constructed. As a result, the httponly statement is appended to the cookie value. |
82508 |
SessionManagement |
If there is a cluster of two ColdFusion instances on the same machine, using the variable url to maintain the session url variable fails to choose the right server. |
79728 |
Solr Integration |
In cfsearch, the variable suggestedquery returns a blank space if there are no suggestions. |
82291 |
Solr Integration |
If you are not in the Solr home directory, the cfsolr script wrongly echoes that Solr has been started or stopped. |
82327 |
Solr Integration |
ColdFusion Administrator does not have an option to enable context on full document. |
82416 |
Solr Integration |
Indexing HTML or CFML pages with style definitions results in the style definition becoming output if a search is performed on the indexed collection. |
82632 |
Solr Integration |
Solr does not start automatically if a non-root user attempts to start it. |
79642 |
Virtual File System |
The function getVFSmetadata shows negative free size when Virtual File System is full and the administrator has reduced the VFS size. |
81906 |
Virtual File System |
RAM file system does not work with SFTP tag. |