Troubleshoot ColdFusion activation issues


Applies to: Adobe ColdFusion (2025 release)

This document serves as a comprehensive guide to troubleshooting common ColdFusion licensing and activation errors. It aims to assist users in identifying and resolving issues that may arise during the licensing and activation process. 

Issue Error message Resolution
Profile denied Invalid Subscription detected Ensure your ColdFusion subscription is active. Log in to your account to manage your subscription:
Allocated license days have been used up. Unable to reach the Adobe licensing service Make sure the ColdFusion host is online and the activation server is accessible. You may also need to allow some URLs so that ColdFusion can access the activation server.
Days left before ColdFusion is downgraded ColdFusion will switch to Developer Edition in {x} days Ensure the machine hosting ColdFusion is online and the activation server is accessible. You may also need to allow some URLs so that ColdFusion can access the activation server.
Clock skew System Clock mismatch Fix the system clock to restore the license.
Clock skew warning System Clock mismatch detected ColdFusion will downgrade to the Developer mode in {x} days. Fix the system clock for ColdFusion to stay active.
Subscription has expired Subscription validity expired

Sign in to the following to renew your subscription:

About to expire Subscription to expire in {x} days

Sign in to the following to prevent ColdFusion downgrade into the Developer mode:

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