Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft Teams bring creative work and teamwork together. With the Creative Cloud app for Microsoft Teams, designers can easily share their work, get feedback, and stay up-to-date on actions taken on their assets.
Note: Currently, Internet Explorer 11 or older versions are not supported. Use Microsoft Teams desktop app or open Microsoft Teams in other supported web browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome, or Firefox.
Sign in to your Microsoft Teams web account at, or download and use the Microsoft Teams Desktop app.
To download the asset, click the
icon in the upper-right corner of the app. This opens the asset in the Creative Cloud website.
When you paste the public link of a Creative Cloud asset or a private XD link in a team or channel, a preview of the corresponding asset is displayed.

With public sharing, recipients get read-only access to your assets, which means they cannot upload, update, or delete them.

The Creative Cloud bot sends messages directly to you whenever comments are left on links to Adobe XD prototypes, Creative Cloud Files, and Document Cloud files. To access the bot, click Chat in the left sidebar.
Who receives notifications?
- The asset owner receives notifications when reviewers add comments, modify comments, or reply to comments.
- Other users who are part of that thread or have been mentioned using @ will receive notifications.

Type Notifications Off to disable them. Then press Enter.
You can turn them back on by typing in Notifications Off, and then pressing Enter.
If you've signed in using the Tab interface for the first time, you see that the notifications are Off by default. To enable them, use the Notifications On command.
When adding Adobe Creative Cloud to a team, you have the choice to set up the app as a connector. Connectors allow link owners to subscribe a channel to receive notifications and messages for your link. You can connect links to XD files and your files stored in Creative Cloud assets.
- You can only connect links to XD files and your files stored in Creative Cloud assets.
- You cannot share link to a password-protected XD file.
- You can only connect links owned by you.
- Your channel members cannot access assets or links when you are signed out of the app. Reauthenticate to enable the activity stream feature again.
- You cannot change the link once it's connected to a channel activity.