Uninstall or remove Creative Cloud apps

Use the Creative Cloud desktop app to uninstall Creative Cloud apps.

How to uninstall Creative Cloud apps

If you no longer want an app, uninstall it using the Creative Cloud desktop app and not the Trash or Recycle bin.

  1. In Apps > All Apps, select the More actions icon  for the app you want to uninstall.

    The All apps tab showing all Creative Cloud apps with the three dots button for each app.
    This will open the context menu.


    If your screen looks different, follow the instructions for the earlier version of the Creative Cloud desktop app. 

  2. Select Uninstall in the context menu.

    The context menu for a Creative Cloud app including options to open in browser and uninstall.
    The confirmation dialog box opens.

  3. Select Cancel, Remove or Keep, based on your preference.

    • Cancel: Cancels the uninstallation
    • Remove: Removes the app notifications, alerts, interface settings, plugins, and other preferences
    • Keep: Retains the app notifications, alerts, interface settings, plugins, and other preferences
    The preferences dialog box asking if you want to keep or remove notifications, alerts, plugins, and other preferences. You can also cancel the uninstallation process.
    Make sure to save any running project and close the app before uninstalling.

    The app begins to uninstall. You can reinstall the app later, as needed.

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