Launch Finder and in the menu bar, select Go > Go to Folder.
Learn how to fix configuration errors (Error 1, Error 15, or Error 16), which can occur when you launch a Creative Cloud app.
How to resolve configuration errors when starting a Creative Cloud application
When you launch a Creative Cloud application, a configuration error (Error 1, Error 15, or Error 16) is displayed, which prompts you to uninstall and then reinstall the product.
The error occurs when permissions to application folders (Adobe PCD and SLStore) are set incorrectly. Follow the instructions below to set the correct permissions for your operating system.
Set permissions for both the SLStore and the Adobe PCD folders.
To resolve the error in Windows 11, perform all of these steps:
Follow these steps to resolve the error on Windows 10.
To resolve the error in Windows XP Home, perform all four steps below.