‘Office Hours’ is an initiative led by the Adobe Customer Care team. These sessions are designed to inform as well as help participants troubleshoot problems, and provide tips and tricks to be successful with the Adobe Experience Cloud solutions. Upcoming Sessions Recorded Sessions Adobe Experience Manager: Desktop App Tutorial 1 hour Adobe Analytics: Data Feeds Tips and Tricks – New UI Overview Tutorial 1 hour Adobe Campaign: Success Mantra for Email Delivery in Adobe Campaign v6 Tutorial 1 hour Adobe Campaign - Message Center - Real Time Messaging Tutorial 1 hour Adobe Analytics - Marketing Cloud ID Tutorial 1 hour Adobe Experience Manager: Indexing Tutorial 1 hour Adobe Analytics: Marketing Cloud Administration Tutorial 1 hour AEM: Key Features of AEM 6.3 and Upgrade Best Practices Tutorial 1 hour Adobe Campaign - Making the best of Campaign Solution Tutorial 1 hour Adobe Experience Manager: AEM 6.x Maintenance Tasks Tutorial Adobe Campaign: Tips and Tricks to a healthy Campaign Server and Delivery Monitoring Tutorial Adobe Analytics: First Party Cookies & Using Adobe Managed Certificates Tutorial Adobe Experience Manager: Integrating LDAP and SAML with AEM 6.x Tutorial 1 hour Adobe Analytics: Marketing Channels - Common Pitfalls Tutorial 1 hour Adobe Experience Manager: Analyzing Production Issues Tutorial 40 mins