Mix Modeler | Product Description

Effective: 13 August, 2024

Products and Services

License Metric

Mix Modeler

Per 1,000,000 Conversions


Mix Modeler Model Capacity

Per Pack

Additional Ad Hoc Query Users

Per Pack

Additional Data Lake Storage

Per Terabyte

Additional Sandboxes

Per Pack

Advanced Enterprise Source Connectors

Per Pack

Data Distiller

Per Compute Hours per Year

Extended Data Capacity

Per Million Rows of Data Per Year

Ingestion Capacity

Per Million Rows of Data

Adobe Experience Platform Data Export

Per KBs of Data per Year

Privacy and Security Shield

Per Each

What is Mix Modeler?

Mix Modeler is a self service SaaS solution focused on business-to-consumer marketers that measures marketing campaigns against key business goals and optimizes planning holistically across paid as well as earned and owned channels.

Mix Modeler: Product limitations


  • Mix Modeler: Customer may generate up to the number of Conversions authorized in the Sales Order. It includes 10 Active Models. More models may be acquired by adding Mix Modeler Model Capacity Pack(s).

Scoping Parameters:

  • Data Storage. Customer may store up to 5 terabytes of data in the Data Lake in conjunction with its use of Adobe Mix Modeler.
  • Data Export. Each year Customer may export Data, through batch, to any non-Adobe solution (directly or indirectly), in a quantity equivalent to 5KB times the number of Conversions authorized in the Sales Order times the number of contracted Active Models through the Adobe Experience Platform Data Exports (or any other means within Mix Modeler).
  • Query Service Users. Adobe Mix Modeler supports 5 concurrent Query Service Users, subject to the Static Limits detailed below.
  • Rows of Data Ingested into Adobe Mix Modeler. The total number of Rows of Data ingested from the Adobe Experience Platform Data Lake into Adobe Mix Modeler per year may not exceed 100 times the number of contracted Conversions.
  • Sources. Customer may configure non-Adobe sources into Adobe Mix Modeler (through UI and API); however, Customer may not import data from Advanced Enterprise Source Connectors unless licensed separately.
  • Privacy. It is the responsibility of Customer to ensure that consent and privacy rights of individuals are honored in the data used prior to Harmonization in Adobe Mix Modeler.

Static Limits:

  • Automated Dataset Expiration. Customer may schedule up to 20 automated dataset expiration work orders per month.
  • Marketing Touchpoints per Conversion. Customer may configure Mix Modeler Model to analyze the impact of up to 30 independent Marketing Touchpoints on a specified Conversion.
  • Batch Data Activation. Each year Customer may export Data, through batch, to any non-Adobe solution (directly or indirectly), in a quantity equivalent to 5KB times the number of Conversions authorized in the Sales Order times the number of contracted Active Models.
  • Bundled Services:
    • Data Lake. Customer may access Customer Data in the Data Lake up to the Total Authorized Data Lake Storage.
    • Query Service. Customer’s right to use Query Service is limited to running Ad Hoc Queries and supports up to 5 concurrent Query Service Users and up to 1 concurrently running Ad Hoc Query for the purpose of data ingestion validation.
    • Adobe Experience Platform Data Exports. Each year Customer may export Data to any non-Adobe solution (directly or indirectly), in a quantity equivalent to 5KB times the number of Conversions authorized in the Sales Order times the number of contracted Active Models through the Adobe Experience Platform Data Exports (or any other means within Mix Modeler).
  • Data Landing Zone. Customer will receive access to 1 Data Landing Zone per Sandbox. The maximum data Customer may store across all Data Landing Zones is equal to the total data storage provided in connection with all Adobe Experience Platform Products and Services licensed by Customer. Customer may use the Data Landing Zone solely to move Customer Data into and out of Adobe Experience Platform. Data will automatically be deleted from the Data Landing Zone after 7 days.
  • Reporting. Customer’s access to aggregated and anonymous reporting tools may be provided through third-party systems. Adobe will provide Customer with access to any such system through commercially reasonable efforts.
  • Sandboxes. Mix Modeler includes up to 5 Sandboxes.
  • Unlicensed Features. For Customers licensing Mix Modeler independent of the underlying AEP Service:
    • Certain aspects of Mix Modeler may be provided through Adobe Experience Platform; but
    • Customer is not licensed to, and must not, access or use the Query Service except in conjunction with Bundled Services, unless separately licensed by Customer, and Customer is not licensed to, and must not access or use the Profile Service, Identity Service or Segmentation Service components in Adobe Experience Platform unless licensed separately by Customer.



Active Model(s) means live Mix Modeler Models actively ingesting and measuring Summary-level Data and/or Event-level Data.

Additional Ad Hoc Query Users means an add-on to increase Customer’s Query Service Users entitlement by 5 additional concurrent Query Service Users and 1 additional concurrently running Ad Hoc Query per pack. Additional Ad Hoc Query User packs may be licensed.

Add-on(s) means additional Products and Services that may be licensed to Customer and identified on the Sales Order.

Ad Hoc Query Service means a service in the Adobe Experience Platform that facilitates Customer's use of standard SQL to query and transform data in Adobe Experience Platform. Query Service is a Shared Feature.

Ad Hoc Query Service User means any User making an SQL query to Query Service through the Query Service user interface, API, or external system for data analysis or data exploration.

Adobe Experience Platform means an open and extensible collection of services that allows Customer to create and manage actionable Person Profiles using various sources across its enterprise and to analyze data to derive insights and drive personalized experiences.

Advanced Enterprise Source Connectors means Amazon Redshift, Apache Kafka, Azure EventHub, AWS Kinesis, Azure Synapse Analytics, Google BigQuery, Google PubSub, and Snowflake.

Audience means a set or list of identities that have both an identity namespace and a specific ID related to that identity namespace. Audiences are transportable from the Adobe Experience Platform and applications that sit on top of it (such as Customer Journey Analytics). Audiences can contain mixed identity-namespace combinations.

Bundled Services means access to the following limited Adobe Experience Platform services: Data Lake, Ad Hoc Query Service, Adobe Experience Platform Data Exports.

Conversions are the number of business outcomes per year a Customer wants to measure and optimize its marketing spend on.

Data Lake means the analytical data store within Adobe Experience Platform.

Data Landing Zone means a cloud-based data storage facility for temporary file storage provisioned with Adobe Experience Platform that Customer may use, as an option, to move Customer data into and out of Adobe Experience Platform. Data Landing Zones are a Shared Feature.

Entitlements means usage limits that are strictly monitored and enforced by Adobe. Should Customer exceed an Entitlement, Customer may be obligated to pay over-usage fees or license additional capacity.

Event-level Data means marketing touchpoint or conversion data at the event level that includes event timestamp and/or event IDs.

Harmonization is the process that assimilates the aggregate data and Event-level Data into a consistent data view. This data view, combined with internal and external factors data, is the source for the Mix Modeler Models.

Instance means a single Adobe Experience Platform instance associated with one Adobe Experience Cloud Organization (IMSOrg) provisioned to Customer. Instance is a Shared Feature.

License Metric means the Products and Services Customer licenses in the applicable Sales Order.

Mix Modeler Insight is an individual machine learning explanation of a Conversion explained by a Mix Modeler Model. One or more Mix Modeler Insights may be produced for each Conversion processed through a Mix Modeler Model during each Scoring Run.

Mix Modeler Model means a machine learning model employed to measure and/or predict a specified outcome based on a Customer’s investments. Marketing Touchpoints and/or Summary-level Data may be used as an input, and variants of Mix Modeler Models may be produced for different sets of variables, dimensions, and outcomes (such as revenue, units sold, leads, etc.).

Mix Modeler Model Capacity Packs is the inclusion of additional Active Models to the entitlement. Each Pack includes 10 active models.

Marketing Touchpoints are a selection of Event-level Data that a User wishes to measure the relationship of against a Customer’s selected key performance indictor (e.g., conversion goal[s]).

Non-production Sandbox means a Sandbox that can be used exclusively for non-production development and testing. Non-production Sandboxes support a volume of data up to Total Data Lake Non-production Storage (measured cumulatively across all of Customer’s authorized Non-production Sandboxes).

Overusage Cycle means the period in which the License Metric as used by Customer is totaled to determine whether the committed Quantity of the License Metric is fully consumed and whether the Overusage Rate will apply.

Overusage Rate means the Overusage Rate as detailed in the Adobe Products and Services Pricing Detail table of the applicable Sales Order. Should Customer’s use of the Products and Services exceed its committed Quantity, Customer will incur overusage fees. These fees are calculated by measuring Customer’s average of Rows of Data during the Overusage Cycle at the end of the applicable Overusage Cycle (e.g., if the Overusage Cycle is quarterly, the applicable time period will be the prior consecutive three-month period, minus Customer’s annual committed Quantity, multiplied by the Overusage Rate, and then divide by four). These fees are billed at the Overusage Rate per Unit of Measure and quarterly in arrears as incurred.

Privacy and Security Shield is an Adobe Experience Platform Add-on enabling Customer to access the following advanced privacy, governance, and security capabilities: customer managed keys, extended thresholds for automated dataset expiration (up to 50 work orders per month). Privacy and Security Shield must be licensed with any and all of the following platform-based applications that Customer licenses: (i) Real-Time Customer Data Platform Prime or Ultimate – B2C Edition, or B2P Edition (for Consumer Audience only), (ii) Adobe Journey Optimizer, (iii) Customer Journey Analytics , and (iv) Adobe Mix Modeler. Privacy and Security Add-on must be added to Customer’s license(s) to (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) or any combination licensed by Customer. Privacy and Security Shield may be included in one Sales Order or separate Sales Order in any industry vertical except for verticals covered by Healthcare Shield. Please refer to Healthcare shield for additional information.

Sandbox means a logical separation within Customer’s Instance of any Adobe On-demand Service that accesses Adobe Experience Platform isolating data and operations. Sandboxes can either be used for production purposes or as Non-production Sandboxes. Sandboxes used for production purposes share the authorized entitlements of the base Adobe Experience Platform production system (measured cumulatively across all of Customer’s Sandboxes used for production purposes). Non-production Sandboxes share the authorized entitlements specified with non-production use cases (measured cumulatively across all of Customer’s authorized Non-Production Sandboxes). Sandboxes are a Shared Feature.

Scoping Parameters means usage limits that relate to the scoping of Customer’s proposed use case. Should Customer exceed a Scoping Parameter, Adobe will work with Customer to remedy the issue leading to overusage. Should Customer persistently exceed a Scoping Parameter, Customer may be required to license additional capacity.

Scoring Run means the processing of Conversions through Mix Modeler Model.

Shared Feature means a feature or functionality and its associated limitations that are shared (i.e., not additive) across all applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Products and Services licensed by Customer. If any of Customer’s other applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Product and Services provide a higher limitation (either because the base-level limitation is higher or because Customer has licensed an available add-on), the highest limit will apply to all of Customer’s applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Products and Services, except as expressly set forth otherwise for such limitation.

Static Limit means a usage limit that relates to the technical boundaries of Adobe Experience Platform. Customer may not modify Static Limits.

Summary-level Data means high-level data detailing how a group or object (e.g., consumers, campaigns, regions, etc.) interacts with or performs in conjunction with a Customer’s business, which may be calculated by combining Event-level data.

Total Authorized Data Lake Storage means Total Data Lake Production Storage plus Total Data Lake Non-production Storage.

Total Data Lake Production Storage means 5 TB of storage

Total Data Lake Non-production Storage means 10% of Total Data Lake Production Storage.

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