Dynamic content panels in Dreamweaver


The user interface has been simplified in Dreamweaver and later. As a result, you may not find some of the options described in this article in Dreamweaver and later. For more information, see this article.

Bindings panel

Use the Bindings panel to define and edit sources of dynamic content, add dynamic content to a page, and apply data formats to dynamic text.

You can perform the following tasks with this panel:

Server Behaviors panel

Use the Server Behavior panel to add Dreamweaver server behaviors to a page, edit server behaviors, and create server behaviors.

You can perform the following tasks with this panel:

Databases panel

Use the Databases panel to create database connections, to inspect databases, and to insert database-related code in your pages.

You can view and connect to your database with this panel:

Components panel

Use the Components panel to create and inspect components, and to insert component code in your pages.


The panel does not work in Design view.

You can perform the following tasks with this panel:

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