Blank (white) images in Media Library


In Media Library pages, blank or white images appear. In some cases, when you click the single image, it displays fine.

You could also see the following error in your log files:

*ERROR* graphics: Unable to access atom.

On the publish instance, you could see the blank images displayed as one pixel in size.


Do one of the following:

  • Run a traversal check that rebuilds this file. For details, see this documentation page.
  • In your media library template (the default is /libs/CFC/templates/Medialib/img/image.esp), there's have a file named image.esp which looks like the following:

... var s = request.atom.getStream(); var imgLayer=new Layer(s.getPath()); var mimeType = imgLayer.mimeType; ...

The function that uses the page UUID is s.getPath(). It returns null and results in a black image in the Layer object. Layer object has another constructor, which avoids s.getPath()

... var s = request.atom.getStream(); var imgLayer=new Layer(s); var mimeType = imgLayer.mimeType; ...


Clear your output cache.

Additional information

The potential problem is in the file. This file is in your instance home directory (/cq_home/data/author). The content of the file is a mapping between UUID of a page in CRX, and the handle of the page.

If the UUID and handle of the page are missing in this file, then Media Library images display blank. The file doesn't include your page's UUID if you did a migration by CRX console and didn't regenerate this file by traversal check.


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