Use animated Adobe Stock timeline infographics to visually tell a story.

Find a template inside Premiere Pro

In the menu bar, click Window > Libraries to bring up your Library Panel.

Find the Adobe Stock search box at the top of the panel and Search for a template. In this example, we used the term animated infographic timeline to find an animated timeline we could use to visualize important dates in a company’s history.

Drag your cursor across the thumbnail of the infographic to see the animation in real-time.

Click the shopping cart icon in the upper left-hand corner of the thumbnail to license the infographic from directly inside Premiere Pro.

Note: You can search for and license the exact same templates online at or in the Essential Graphics panel of Premiere Pro.

Edit the template

Now that your animated timeline infographic is licensed, you’ll find it in your Library, as well as the Essential Graphics panel, in the My Templates tab.

Drag it into the Timeline so that you can easily edit it in place.

Customize the animated timeline

Open the Essential Graphics panel by going to Window > Essential Graphics or Window > Workspaces > Graphics.

In the Essential Graphics panel, click on the Edit tab. Note that in our example, there are 84 editable parameters you can modify. 

Fine-tune your animation

With the copy incorporated, you can fine-tune the aesthetic, including colors of the text, lines, outlines, and backgrounds, to match your client’s business.

Edit in any additional clips

Edit in additional clips to help you visually tell your story.

In our example, this motion graphic is going on a website, so instead of adding additional media, we’re going to fade up from white to match the white background of the site.


Use a Premiere Pro export preset to export for inclusion on your client’s website or social media.

You now have a timeline infographic for your client’s needs!

Check out this curated collection from Adobe Stock with more images that you can use in your next project.

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