Create a stop-motion animation effect with a 3D model and images from Adobe Stock.

Apply your brand colors

Open your label designs in Illustrator and apply your brand colors from your Creative Cloud Libraries.

Illustrator artboards with label designs and CC Library open to brand color swatches.

Create complex gradients

Use the Freeform Gradient tool in Illustrator to create multi-colored blends for your product packaging.

Illustrator file showing colors from a Creative Cloud library being applied to a Freeform Gradient.

Search Adobe Stock for a 3D model

Search Adobe Stock for a 3D model that you can customize in Dimension.

Adobe Stock website shown in browser with ‘squeeze tube’ shown in search field.

Search for an image series related to your brand

Search for an image series using the image filter, then choose a few images from the same series.

Adobe Stock website image of a happy fresh faced girl, along with a series of different images of the same girl from the same photoshoot.

Add labels and gradients to the 3D model

Apply your Illustrator files to the 3D model as Decals in Dimension within the Actions panel, then apply a brand color to the cap.

Dimension file showing an Illustrator label being applied to a 3D squeeze tube as a Decal.

Create rotation states of your branded 3D model

Create a series of duplicate models in a horizontal row by using the Duplicate option under the Edit menu, or the duplicate function in the Actions panel.

Then rotate each one a bit to create one full rotation across all of the duplicates and render the Scene to a PSD file.

Dimension file with custom branded 3D bottles lined up in a row in varying stages of rotation.

Create a frame-based animation

Place the PSD into Photoshop, apply an unlinked mask, then move the layer on each frame to reveal each rotation position.

Photoshop frame-based timeline with 3 rendered branded bottles and image of girl with gray background.

Change images and colors to match the products

Show and hide the color and photo layers across the frames so they match the current product shown facing forward.

Photoshop frame-based timeline with 3 rendered bottles and multiple images of girl with colored backgrounds to match product.

The final result

Now you have a fun and engaging animation that shows off the unique style of your brand.

A stop-action animated social ad that shows the branded bottles, happy girl with bright colors.

Check out this curated collection from Adobe Stock with more images that you can use in your next project.

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