Technical Communication products for Teams and Enterprises – 2022 pricing changes

Find answers to questions about price changes for Technical Communication products for teams and enterprise plans.

The prices of teams and enterprise plans will increase in select countries starting November 1, 2022. For members with teams and enterprise plans of FrameMaker, RoboHelp and Technical Communication Suite, read on to learn more. For individual subscription users, visit the price increase for individuals FAQ

For Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) customers, Adobe will begin price increases for renewals starting November 1, 2022. Adobe VIP members with a 3-year commit amendment will continue with their current pricing until the end of their 3-year commit period. See the VIP Program Guide for details. For VIP customers who’ve purchased via a reseller, contact your Adobe Reseller for more information. 

For Enterprise Term License Agreement (ETLA) customers of FrameMaker, RoboHelp and Technical Communication Suite, there will not be any price changes for the duration of your existing contract. Contact your Adobe account representative regarding pricing at your next renewal and for more information. 

Admins can visit the Admin Console to view and manage the details of their subscription.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Technical Communication products are included in the price changes? 

Price changes for Teams and Enterprise plans are happening for the following products:

  • FrameMaker
  • RoboHelp
  • Technical Communication Suite


Which Technical Communication products are excluded from the price changes?

There is NO price increase happening for

  • FrameMaker Publishing Server
  • RoboHelp Server


Which segments are included in the price changes?

Price change is happening for the following segments:

  • Commercial
  • Government


Which segments are excluded in the price changes?

Price change doesn’t apply to customers from Education segment. Education prices remains unchanged for both VIP and ETLA.


Which countries are included in the price changes?

This price increase is applicable to ALL COUNTRIES where Technical Communication products are available for purchase via VIP and ETLA.


Why is the price of Technical Communication products changing?

We are constantly making improvements to FrameMaker, RoboHelp and the point products in Technical Communication Suite, adding new services, and features regularly. As we do so, our plans and prices will change to reflect the value added to your membership. Plans and prices are also adjusted based on local market circumstances, such as changes to local taxes.

Learn more about the price change on the Adobe blog.


When will the price changes go into effect?

The updated pricing will be reflected on your next renewal date on or after November 1, 2022.


How does the price change impact VIP Members?

Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) members will begin to see price increases for renewals on or after November 1, 2022. Contact your Adobe account representative or Adobe Reseller for more information.

VIP Members with a 3-year commit amendment will continue with their current pricing until the end of their 3-year commit period. See the VIP Program Guide for details. 


How will I know if the price of my plan will change?

VIP and ETLA customers can contact their Adobe account representative or Adobe Reseller for more information.


Why do similar products and plans have different pricing in the Admin Console?

The price shown in your invoice reflects the price at the time of purchase, so products and plans that were purchased at different times may reflect this variance in pricing. New products and plans added on or after November 1, 2022, will reflect the new price. All products and plans will renew to the price valid on the renewal date.

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