Fill and sign PDF forms | New experience


Adobe is testing a new Fill & Sign experience in Acrobat as explained in this document. The experience may not be available to all users.

Fill out your PDF form

  1. Open the PDF form in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, and click the Sign icon in the toolbar. Alternatively, you can choose Tools > Fill & Sign or choose Fill & Sign from the right-pane.

    Global sign tool

  2. The form fields are detected automatically. Hover the mouse over a field to display a blue box. Click anywhere in the blue box, the cursor will be placed at the right position automatically. Type your text to fill the field. Use the annotations in the toolbar to fill the form.

    Hover the mouse over a field to display the detected form field
    Hover the mouse to display the detected text field

    For more information on filling the form fields, see Fill out your PDF form.

Sign or Initial your form

  1. Open the PDF form in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, and click the Sign icon in the toolbar. Alternatively, you can choose Tools > Fill & Sign or choose Fill & Sign from the right-pane.

    Global sign tool

  2. Click Sign Yourself, and choose whether you want to add your signature or just initials.

    Add signature or initials

  3. If you have already added signatures or initials, they are displayed as options to choose from. Select it from the Sign options, and then click at the place in the PDF where you want to add your signature.

    If you are signing for the first time, you see the Signature or Initials panel. Below is an example of the Signature panel.

    Type, draw, or import a signature image
    You can choose to type, draw, or import a signature image. Added signatures and initials are saved for future use.

    • Type: Type your name in the field. You can choose from a small selection of signature styles; click Change Style to view a different style.
    • Draw: Draw your signature in the field.
    • Image: Browse and select an image of your signature.
    • Save Signature: When this check box is selected, and you're signed in to Acrobat Reader or Acrobat, the added signature is saved securely in Adobe Document Cloud for reuse.

    Click Apply, and then click at the place in the PDF where you want to place the signature or initial.

Save or Send a copy of the form

After you have filled the form, you can share the PDF with others. To share the form, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Fill and Sign toolbar, click Next. Choose Save as a read-only copy, and then click Continue.

    Save a read-only copy

  2. The file is uploaded to the server and certified by Adobe Acrobat Sign. The certified document cannot be modified. You can share the document with your recipients using one of the following methods.

    Share the secured document

Send the document to get signatures from others

  1. Open the PDF form in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, and choose Acrobat Sign from the right-pane.

    Global sign tool

    Alternatively, you can click the Sign icon in the toolbar, or Fill and Sign on the right-pane, and then click Acrobat Sign.

    Request signatures

  2. The Acrobat Sign window is displayed. It displays the fields progressively as you enter the details. The left pane provides information on getting signatures from others' workflow. Enter the name or email of the intended recipients, and then click Specify Where To Sign.

    Add signers

    Enter the information as prompted. For more information, see Send documents for signature.

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