Acrobat with Adobe Document Cloud services is the complete PDF solution for working with your most important documents across desktop, web, and mobile devices. Update your Acrobat desktop app and mobile app or sign in to Acrobat Web to experience the new features and improvements.
Acrobat desktop app
November 2020 release
Adobe Flash is now deprecated and no longer used in Acrobat. The various options available in a Form response file that were Flash dependent — Update, Filter, Export (All/Selected), Archive (All/Selected), Add, and Delete — are no longer available. These options are now replaced with the secondary toolbar having options to Update, Add, Delete, Export, and Archive the responses.
For more information, see Collect and manage PDF forms data.
The Embed Flash and the Insert Media options are now removed from the PDFMaker menu of Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint.
By default, Microsoft has disabled the ability to add Flash or Rich media content in the Office documents. If your document already has flash content embedded in it, Acrobat prevents embedding of Flash or Rich media in the converted PDF file and adds an image instead.
If you have enabled the Flash content in Microsoft documents, Acrobat adds a blank box in the converted PDF file.
On a low-resolution monitor, the dialog boxes are incorrectly sized and have layout issues such as clipped text or other action buttons like OK or Cancel buttons. In this release, the scaling issues are fixed, and a scroll bar automatically appears to make the dialog box options accessible.
Scrollable Document Properties and Advanced Print Setup dialog box
A scroll bar is now shown in the Document Properties dialog box and the Advanced Print Setup dialog box on monitors with 1024x640 resolution and scaling set to Larger Text.
Compact General Preferences dialog on macOS
The unused space in the Acrobat Preferences > General dialog on macOS is removed. The dialog box is now compact, easily viewable, and the buttons are easily accessible on a high-DPI monitor. On a low-resolution monitor, a scroll bar is shown if the dialog box does not fit the screen.
The following accessibility enhancements are made in Acrobat:
General improvements across all views in Acrobat
- Screen readers can now read the checkbox state (checked/unchecked) across all views in Acrobat.
Acrobat forms
- Ability to add form fields manually using the keyboard.
- Ability to change the tab order of form fields using the keyboard.
- Screen readers can now read out the highlight color for forms in the Form Properties dialog, and the Preferences dialog on Windows.
Scanner settings
- Screen readers can now read out the group labels, checkbox labels, drop-down labels, and slider labels in the Create PDF from Scanner settings dialog box on macOS.
- Screen readers can now read out the group labels, checkbox labels, and drop-down labels in the Create PDF from Scanner settings dialog box on Windows.
- The keyboard focus is visible on dropdown box values.
CEF views
- The VO focus is now visible in CEFViews like View, Reviews, and Sign, when you scroll down and click a file.
Reduced time to launch Acrobat
Several optimizations have been made in the core infrastructure of Acrobat. When you launch Acrobat, only the required whitelisted processes are run in the background, thereby minimizing the launch time significantly.
Optimized processing efficiency by implementing Asynchronous I/O operations
Acrobat now uses Asynchronous File I/O - Read operations on Windows. This implementation prevents hanging or freeze issues when you open large PDFs from a network location on a slow network connection. If Acrobat takes longer than usual time to read a large PDF, the following prompt is displayed:
Adobe is testing this new experience in Acrobat on Windows. Therefore, the option may not be available to all Acrobat users.
Get the latest Acrobat update - on the Help menu, click Check for updates, and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the update process. Not yet a subscriber? Start a 7-day free trial today.
Acrobat Reader mobile app
October 2020 release
iPhone and iPad
- Effortlessly read PDFs on iPhones and iPads without having to pinch and zoom with Liquid Mode.
- Maximize reading comfort by adjusting the default font size, character spacing, and line spacing in Liquid Mode.
Individual and business users can now link OneDrive accounts within the app and easily access and work on their files.
You can now view two pages of a PDF document at once on your iPad like a real book. This feature is available on iPad only.
The enhanced link creation workflow improves the usability and the stability of the feature.
The app now uses AppCenter SDK. The new user settings and capability are added in the app to help collect extension crash data for the first time.
The new enterprise configurations help easily manage the file system restrictions in the application - restrict data access from and to the file systems.
Get the latest Acrobat Reader on your iPhone and iPad.
- Quickly copy text, send emails, call phone numbers, and visit URLs recognized in the scans.
- Easily create folders to organize all your scans.
Fixed component and client-side bugs to improve the overall PDF reading experience with Liquid Mode.
- Fixed error code 429.
- Fixed crashes reported by users in the Google Play Store.
- Added support for PDF files without extension but having PDF mime type.
- Redirecting users to Adobe Community for better support and self-help experience.
Fixed app configuration issues for enterprise users on work-managed devices.
Get the latest Acrobat Reader on your Android device.
Acrobat Web services
October 2020 release
The new better-categorized flyout menu in the navigation bar helps you easily discover all the related tools to complete your tasks fast.
While viewing or reading your PDF file online, you can add notes to yourself using the add comments tool. You can add text, sticky notes, underline text, strikethrough text, highlight text, and add markups using the drawing tool.
For more information, see Add comments to your PDF file.
You can now easily compress large PDFs online - the file size limit for compress or optimize PDF is increased from 100MB to 500MB.
For more information, see File size limitations and How to compress PDFs online.
Sign in to Acrobat Web at to experience the new features and improvements.