Panorama overlays

The Panorama overlay provides the illusion of viewing an image from the inside out. For example, you can create a Panorama effect that lets users see inside an airplane’s cockpit. They can rotate the view 360° and zoom in on the instrument panels.

The key to creating a panorama is getting the necessary images. Creating a Panorama effect requires a set of six images, which represent the six inner sides of a cube. If you begin with a full panorama image, convert it to six cube images based on that image.

PTgui ( is a useful tool for creating panorama images. The WRwave website ( provides useful information for shooting panorama photographs.


Native panorama overlays are not supported in AEM Mobile. Instead, use Web Content overlays to create HTML-based panorama effects.

Creating a panorama

A. Original panorama image B. Panorama image converted to inner six sides of cube C. Panorama on iPad 

If you begin with a horizontal cross image, you can use Photoshop or a screen capture utility to create the six required images.

To divide a panoramic cross image into separate images, follow this pattern.

Creating Panorama Assets

  1. Create the source assets for the panorama, and place them in a folder.

    For best results, use JPEG images saved in 72 dpi. High-resolution images allow customers to zoom in more clearly but require a larger file.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Using the Rectangle tool or Rectangle Frame tool, drag to create a placeholder frame.

    • Place an image that acts as a poster for the panorama.

  3. Select the placeholder object, open the Folio Overlays panel, and select Panorama.

  4. In the Folio Overlays panel, click the Assets folder icon, locate the folder containing the six images, and click Open.

  5. If necessary, scale the frame and its contents to fit in your layout.

  6. Specify the following settings in the Folio Overlays panel:

    Use First Image For Poster

    Selecting this option uses the first panorama image as the poster. Select this image if you have not created a different image to be used as the poster.

    Initial Zoom

    Specify a value to determine the magnification of the initial image. Use a value between the Min/Max field of view settings, which are 30 and 80 by default. .


    Specify values to determine which area of the panorama is initially displayed. For Vertical, specify a value between -90 (tilted all the way up) and 90 (tilted all the way down). For Horizontal, specify a value between -180 (rotated all the way left) and 180 (rotated all the way right).

    Field Of View

    If you don’t want users to zoom in or out past a certain point, specify Min and Max values.

    Limit Vertical Pan

    If you want to allow tilting only two-thirds toward the top, select Limit Vertical Pan and specify -60. Specify 60 to allow tilting only two-thirds toward the bottom. Use a small value such as 1 to prevent vertical panning.

    Limit Horizontal Pan

    If you want to allow panning only two-thirds toward the left and right, select Limit Horizontal Pan and specify -120 for left and 120 for right.


    To see the effect of the different panorama settings, change the settings and click Preview.

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