If I add a Target tool to a Property, does that (by itself) cause an mbox to fire on every page?

If the Target configuration settings designate an auto-created global mbox then TNT.createGlobalMbox() will be added to the end of the retrieved mbox.js code. The default global mbox is called “target-global-mbox”, but it can be changed in the the Target admin UI. If a Target tool is loaded into DTM without any rule (mbox specific) settings then any campaigns that are configured to run within the “target-global-mbox” will execute if the automatic setting is included in the config. If not, then no campaigns should fire.

Alternatively, the TNT.createGlobalMbox() can be manually added to a page load rule to better control the timing of the mbox creation (since it injects a div after the opening body tag). Alternate global mbox designations can also be made, however, the mbox code needs to be modified for that to work correctly.


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