Illustrator feature summary (October 2024 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the October 2024 release of Illustrator on desktop (version 29.0.1).

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Align, arrange, and move objects on a path

Objects on Path lets you attach and align objects to a curved or straight-line path. Once attached, you can rotate them, change their attachment points, adjust spacing, shuffle them, and move them along the path without losing alignment. When you edit the path or add or remove objects, the attached objects automatically rearrange.

Trace images with more accuracy and control

The enhanced Image Trace feature lets you create accurate traces with improved curves that closely match the original image.

When tracing in Color mode, the Transparency option prevents transparent backgrounds from being traced as white. In Color or Grayscale mode, the Gradients option detects and traces linear gradients based on the strength you set. Once traced, you can easily refine the gradients using the Gradient   tool.

With fewer anchor points and the Auto Grouping option that arranges paths into logical groups, the trace result is easier to edit. Additionally, the Shapes option traces circles, squares, and rectangles as live shapes, further simplifying the editing process.

Experience improved mockup quality for planar surfaces

When you create mockups, vector art fits accurately on planar surfaces.

Adjust density strength for pattern creation

Text to Pattern allows you to select a density level for the patterns you'll create. Also, you can now access Text to Pattern from the Swatches panel. You can also reset Color & Tone.

Add shape fills with more control

You can now turn prompt suggestions on or off in Generative Shape Fill, giving you greater creative control. Additionally, you can reset Style ReferenceEffects, and Color and Tone separately or all at once if you want to start afresh.

Create vector graphics with more control

You can now turn prompt suggestions on or off in Text to Vector Graphic, giving you greater creative control. When you create subjects and icons, a background layer is no longer generated, allowing bounding boxes to fit the art cleanly. Additionally, you can reset Style Reference, Effects, and Color and Tone separately or all at once if you want to start afresh. Resets to Text to Vector Graphic and Generative Shape Fill work independently.

Access and explore tools and tasks directly on the canvas

The Contextual Task Bar helps you access the most frequently used next actions for the selected object and tool. 

When selecting a path with the Direct Selection   tool, the Contextual Task Bar gives you various editing options, including Simplify and Smooth. When working with Objects on Path, the Contextual Task Bar allows you to easily rearrange attached objects without losing alignment. Additionally, legacy task bars for the Smooth   tool, the Free Transform   tool, and the Dimension   tool provide a visual experience consistent with the Contextual Task Bar.

When working with an image and a vector object, the Contextual Task Bar helps you create mockups effortlessly. Once created, it helps you access related tasks quickly.

Manage East Asian text layouts 

Reflow Viewer simplifies the process of viewing, analyzing, and updating text layouts in East Asian languages. When you open a document created in an older version of Illustrator, it warns you of any potential changes to the text layout. You can choose to update the layout or retain the original.

Explore enhancements inspired by your feedback

We're committed to continually improving to meet your changing needs. Based on your feedback, here are the enhancements to Illustrator in the October release.

Scale artwork with artboard

When designing for multiple surfaces, such as hoardings, magazines, and posters, you might need to scale the artboard and artwork to maintain layout integrity and proportions between them.

Create stunning gradients from the Swatches panel

Create unique gradients using individual colors or a color group directly from the Swatches panel. You can use these gradients to add volume to vector objects or add a light and shadow effect to your artwork.

Cut objects evenly using the Knife tool with smart guides

You can use the Knife tool in alignment with the smart guides and snap them to any objects you want to cut into equal proportions.

Experience faster performance

Experience up to five times faster performance with linked image rendering.

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